twenty five

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"WHAT DO YOU think about Greece? I've always wanted to see the Parthenon."

"Isn't that the big building with the columns?"

"It's not just a building! It's a work of art!" Arya paused. "Yes, it's the one with the columns."

Even though she couldn't see him, she could feel the proud grin Jack was wearing.

They were discussing different places they wanted to see around the world while Arya drove them to a pack of werewolves that Dean had dug up.

It was a nice thought that one day they'd be able to go off on adventures and see the beauty of the world without looking over their shoulders. Then again, they made it back to their world, Michael and Lucifer were gone, so maybe it wasn't such a dream.

Sam and Castiel had left earlier, wanting to get a head start on things while Jack and Arya updated Bobby and Mary just in case.

When that had been handled, Arya finally got to drive one of the cars in the Bunker, something she'd been dying to do for a while. She decided on a red Volvo P1800. She remembered it from the first time she'd been on Earth, it had been popular in the '60s. It also helped that Dean had given her a run-down of all the cars they had stored (he tended to geek out about it, but she didn't mind). She had no clue why the Men of Letter's had put it in there, but she wasn't too upset about it.

"What about you?" She'd already suggested Scotland and the Netherlands. "What do you wanna see?

Jack shrugged. "Wherever you go, I'll go too."

"I see you've found the cheesy Netflix movies."

He didn't get a chance to retort as Arya pulled in behind the Impala, putting it in park then turning off the loud engine.

"How about you think on that, yeah?" She asked Jack who nodded with a smile.

"Took you guys long enough!" Dean called from the trunk.

"Sorry, I actually had to obey the laws of the road," Arya replied with a sly grin as the pair got out of the car.

Dean rolled his eyes.

"He's just mad he didn't get to drive it," Sam whispered once they got in earshot. Arya laughed loudly and Jack coughed into his hand.

✓ Golden Eyes ➣ j. klineWhere stories live. Discover now