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Don't you ever feel like you could have everything you have ever dreamed of, if only you'd have a little more courage? If you'd only ask out that one girl. Or to perform the songs you've been writing since you were fourteen.

That is how I feel, all the time. If only I'd have a little more courage I maybe would have more than one friend. Maybe I'd be dating the girl of my dreams. Maybe I'd even be able to get away from this shit university, and start doing what I truly love: performing.

Yet here I am. Sitting in the front row at one of the classes that is part of my psychology major. I think it's called cognitive psychology, or wait was this clinical psychology? To be honest, I haven't been paying much attention to any of my classes today.

It's not that I hate my major. I am actually quite interested in how the human mind works, but some days I just can't help myself from daydreaming about what it would be like to stand on a stage. The crowd cheering my name, singing along to the songs I've written.

In that daydream I have it all. Everyone would love me, not just because I'm famous, but because I finally get to be me. You know, that me you always imagine yourself to be. Funny, courageous, charming, kind. Luna would finally see me as more than just that shy guy who one time let her copy his notes. She'd see how great we would be together.

"Okay class, that's it for today" The professor loudly closing his textbook snapped me out of my daydream. I see that everyone is gathering their things and heading towards the exit. Shit, I've completely missed another class again.

I pack up my notebook and decide to head over to the library to catch up on all the work I have been procrastinating on. The library is on the other side of the campus, which is about a 15 minute walk, but I don't mind. I've always enjoyed being outside, even if it is on a busy college campus like this.

Looking at all the different people, studying them, imagining what their lives are like, is actually one of my favourite things to do in between classes. I've been told it's creepy, but I don't see it that way. Since I'm a psychology major this is basically me studying.

"Hey, Taehyung! Wait up!" I hear a familiar voice calling my name through the crowd. I stop and turn around to see Hoseok making his way through the flock of people. By the time he reaches me he is panting and little drops of sweat bead on his forehead.

"God I really need to start working out more," he uttered while bending over and resting one hand on my shoulder to keep his balance. "And you seriously need to get a hearing aid man! I've been calling your name ever since you walked out of lecture room. You are seriously bad for my health."

Hoseok tried to look serious but I could see from his signature sparkling eyes that he was joking. Hoseok was my only friend here, in fact he was the only friend I ever had since I moved to America.

My parents and I had come here from Korea when I was eleven years old. Being eleven is awkward enough as it is, but being an eleven year old Korean boy who barely speaks proper English in an mainly all white middle school in America is even worse. In Korea I had many friends, which made the move to my new school even harder.

Looking completely different from everyone else, unable to pronounce most words correctly and having big glasses didn't really help with my popularity. Grown ups might laugh at you behind your back, but kids will do it right in your face. To this day I'm not sure what is more cruel.

I remember studying my English pronunciation every single day, but the kids in my class never seemed to get tired of the jokes about my accent. High school wasn't much better. They stopped making jokes about me in my face, but I knew people still laughed at me behind my back.

When I finally made it through high school and started college, my confidence had completely vanished. I didn't even expect anyone to try and be my friend anymore, but Hoseok proved me wrong.

Hoseok lived across the hall from me and had taken me under his wing after he had witnessed me trying to find my way in the dormitory. We've been friends ever since.

Hoseok's parents are also from Korea, but he was born here in the United States. He however couldn't be more different from me. He has a whole bunch of friends and is one of the most outgoing people I have ever met.

He always says his life goal is to make the world a brighter place and I know for a fact he has already succeeded in that. He has lit up my world in the most radical way possible. His laugh never fails to make me smile, even if there is not much to smile about.

"So before you say no, let me try to convince you," Hoseok urged. I nodded, curious to hear what he was going to propose. "I think you should come to Jungkook's party with me tonight!"

I opened my mouth to protest, but Hoseok immediately shut me down. "Let me finish! I think you should come so you can meet new people. I know you don't like that but you are a great guy Tae and I know a lot of my other friends would like you too." Hoseok looked at me expectantly.

I didn't want to let him down but going to a party is about the last thing I enjoy doing in my spare time. "You know Jungkook is close friends with Luna right?" Hoseok's eyes twinkled playfully, knowing very well the impact a comment like that would have on me.

"Alright," I sighed. "But just for this one time," I added quickly, shooting Hoseok a meaningful look. "Yaay!" Hoseok yelled while making a little victory dance, resulting in a bunch of people turning around to see what was going on.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I said I would go, I didn't say I would stay long." I tried to sound serious but Hoseok's excitement was contagious. "This is going to be so much fun, you won't be sorry, I promise!" Hoseok yelled over his shoulder while he ran off, probably to try and make it to his next lecture in time.


Hello lovelies,
Here's yet another ship fanfic by me. I originally just intended to write this as an au on my twitter, but since I have barely any followers I decided to also post it on here. I've been wanting to write a taekook fanfic for a while now because I absolutely adore them <3

I do not really have a clear idea of where this story is gonna go so please comment a lot, give me as much feedback as possible! I might also add questions at the end of each chapter for you guys to decide where the story might go and make this a little more interactive.


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