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I took a deep breath, hoping the extra oxygen would also give me a little more courage. Of course it didn't, I would just have to get it over with. I looked around the group of guys who were staring at me expectantly. Whoever said it were only girls that liked to gossip must have never hung out with college guys.

"Okay, so there's this girl in my year. She follows the same major as I do, but we don't ever really talk."

I could feel the sweat starting to appear on my forehead. God why would I always get so nervous talking? The guys didn't seem to notice, they were just waiting for me to spill the juicy details. All college guys were the same really. 'What does she look like?' 'Does she have a good butt?'

I never really cared for superficial things like that. Of course I noticed if someone was beautiful or not, and Luna was definitely beautiful. But that wasn't why I had fallen for her.

"She's really smart. She always knows all the answers in class, and even brings up certain issues the teacher hasn't thought about."

"Yeah, yeah, she's smart. But what does she look like?" One of the guys that had introduced himself as Tommy asked impatiently.

I sighed. Always the same, I thought annoyed. I guess I would just have to give them what they wanted. I didn't make a habit of adapting myself so people would like me, but for this party I would have to make an exception I guess. I was going to be here for much longer, so I better keep these guys interested in talking to me.

"She's really pretty. She is almost as tall as me. Long, slim legs. And she has the most beautiful auburn hair."

Her hair was really something else. It was long, I imagined it probably would probably fall over the back of her bra. The auburn colour made you feel like you entered autumn, even if it was freezing cold outside and the trees were still bare. It flowed across her back like leafs blowing away in the wind.

"And her body? What does it look like?"

This time it was Jungkook who asked the question. It made me remember the rumours about him. A womanizer, with a different girl on his arm almost every week. It's not that I could blame those girls.

Jungkook was one of those guys that immediately caught your attention when you entered the room, whether you were male or female. He was tall, with broad muscular shoulders. His arms were toned by the hours he spent in the basketball court and the gym. Yet his waist was tiny, making his upper body look like a 'v shape'. But what mostly caught my attention were his strong thighs, probably from running and jumping so much during the games.

I didn't really feel like talking about Luna as if she was a piece of meat, but I had to give them something. This was what they were all waiting for. I decided to tell them just enough so they would be satisfied.

"She's very athletic and slim. I sometimes see her running around campus early in the morning. She looks like she does that a lot."

I hoped this would be enough to shut them up. Tommy still looked like he wanted to know more, but to my surprise it was Jungkook who jumped in just before Tommy could ask for more details.

"She sounds like a pretty great girl Taehyung. Any chance I might know her, I promise I won't try to take her from you."

Jungkook shot him an exaggerated wink, making the guys laugh. Oh god, now I would have to tell him it was Luna. I knew they were friends, I had seen them walking across campus before.

Once I had gathered up the strength to ask Hoseok about it. He told me Luna used to date one of the guys from the basketball team, and that after they had broken up Jungkook and Luna had stayed friends. I prayed Luna's ex wasn't sitting here on the couch.

"Uh, well, actually. I know you know her, you probably all do."

Everyone seemed surprised. I studied their faces and suddenly Jungkook seemed like he had put the pieces together. It was almost like I saw a little light turn on behind his eyes, but he still looked unsure whether he was right or not.

"What did you say your major was again?"


While the rest was still busy trying to fit the pieces of information together, a smirk appeared on Jungkook's face. I could immediately tell he had the same drive as Hoseok to always win, always be right.

"Well, well, you have fallen for the magic powers of Luna too?"

I nodded. The other guys looked like those stupid cartoon characters, who needed everything to be spelled out before understanding. You could almost see the 'AHHH' thinking balloon above their heads.

"I see. Well why don't you just talk to her? You're a decent looking guy, and Luna is actually a really sweet girl. You know, not like those other pretty ones that play hard to get."

I studied Jungkook to see if he was serious, if he wasn't mocking me. But he kept a straight face, waiting patiently for an answer. Jungkook thought I was decent looking? I had never received a compliment like that, may it be as simple as this. Well, not counting Hoseok of course, who took every opportunity to make me feel better about myself.

"I, I mean, I"

Hoseok noticed me struggling and took it upon himself to explain it for me. Which I gratefully accepted with a quick smile.

"I think what Tae here is trying to say is that he's too shy to talk to her. I agree with you JK, I think Luna would immediately fall for Tae if she got to know him. And believe me, I have tried to tell him that countless times."

Jungkook looked at me sceptically. I couldn't stand to look at him anymore, his eyes seemed to pierce right through me, trying to read my mind. So I lowered my gaze, and started pulling on a loose piece of thread of my sweater. It was Yoongi who commented this time.

"That sucks man! But Jungkook is right, Luna is a really sweet girl. You should just go and talk to her, maybe like after class. Ask her to explain something to you, you know?"

I looked up at Yoongi who shot me a genuine smile. Shit, why did they have to be right. It was much easier to just paint them off as stupid jocks, who just see girls as objects to play with until they get bored.

Jungkook who had been noticeably silent since Hoseok had started talking looked at me from head to toe, like he was examining me for something. His eyes wandered across me, until they finally reached mine and stopped.

"I can help you."

What? What was he talking about. How on earth would he be able to help me. We didn't even have the same major. And I didn't feel much for him playing Cupid. But it was just like Jungkook was reading my mind.

"I mean, I'm not going to play matchmaker for you. But I can help you become more confident around girls. I have enough experience."

Everyone around us took it as a joke, and bursted out laughing. But Jungkook hadn't meant it as a joke, he was dead serious. It took everyone a second before they realised the same thing.

"What, are you going be his love guru or something JK?"

Jungkook shot the guy an angry look, I think his name was Rick or something. Or Remy. Ugh, I don't remember, it doesn't matter anyways. Jungkook looked back at me and seemed to be expecting me to give him an answer.

Hoseok must have thought it was a great idea, because he looked at me with such a big grin I could almost see all of his teeth. Oh fuck it, what do I have to lose?

"Okay, I'll do it."

Hello lovelies,

I am so enjoying writing this story. It will be much more like a cliché romantic story, which is a good change after the heavy subjects I touched in I Need U. I'll try and do my best to make it not too cliché and bore you.

Also please leave a comment if you like this story so far, I wrote it kind of different from how I used to. I know not a lot are reading this yet, but please let me know!

Love Mel💜

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