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Nearly two hours had passed when we finally arrived at the last video. Jungkook had gone through the songs in order, skipping only this one. It had no title and I had been curious if he was going to show it to me at all.

I glanced at him while he stared at the screen in front of him, his brows slightly lowered and his mouth in a straight line. I didn't know why this video made him so anxious. He hadn't been this nervous with any of the other videos. He had talked about them, explaining why he had picked that particular song to sing or what had been difficult about singing it. He actually had seemed quite at ease.

"Why are you nervous about this one?"

I seemed to have startled Jungkook with the sudden question. He looked over at me and took me in, like only he could do it with those round piercing eyes. I felt naked when he looked at me like that, like he was reading my every thought.

"I wrote this song myself, and I'm not sure if it's good or not."

His voice was soft and hesitant. My eyes widened and I felt my jaw dropping but I managed to get out a few words.

"You also write songs?"

"What do you mean, also?"

Shit, I didn't mean to bring up my own song writing, but I didn't want to lie either. Jungkook had been nothing but honest with me today and quite frankly every day since I met him.

"Because I also write songs."

There was a silence while I saw how Jungkook processed that information. He seemed confused at first like he didn't understand what I meant, but then his expression changed. He looked excited, his eyes twinkled and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Are you serious?"


"Why didn't you say so sooner?"

"I don't know, I just didn't want to make it about me again I guess. It was a big thing for you, so I wanted to keep it like that. I was going it to tell you eventually."

I could see on Jungkook's face that he was up to something. He suddenly stood up and walked over to the corner on the opposite side of the room and started removing the pile of clothes that were laying there. He grabbed something from underneath them and when he turned around I could see a guitar. He sat back down and faced me, grinning widely at me.

"Sing with me."

I felt overwhelmed all of the sudden, I didn't know if I was ready for that. Jungkook had already noticed my hesitation before I could say anything.

"I'm sorry, I just got really excited. If you're not ready to do that than that's okay, I get it."

"I mean, I didn't plan on telling you this today. It's all just a little fast."

"I get i-."

I didn't let him finish. "That doesn't mean I won't do it."

Jungkook looked surprised, but he didn't ask me any more questions, probably afraid I would change my mind. He played a few notes on the guitar, tuning it before he started to play a tune that was familiar to me. It was a song by Ed Sheeran, called 'The A Team'.

Jungkook started singing, his voice sounding even more enchanting and unreal than in the videos. His hands danced over the strings looking like acrobats you saw in the circus balancing high up in the air. He had his eyes closed, feeling every word he sang.

I found myself staring at his delicate features. This had been one of the only times I could study him without him catching me do it. Normally he was always looking at me, he didn't have that same restraint I did, he didn't care if someone caught him staring. To be honest, everyone would probably feel honoured, I know I do when he looks at me.

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