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Hoseok avoided me the following week. I had forgotten what it was like to have no friends at all. I walked to class alone, ate my lunch sitting on the bench where Hoseok and I normally sat together every day and spent my evenings aimlessly watching stupid YouTube videos and eating my own weight in Japchae, which reminded me of my home.

On Thursday I was once again sitting alone on the bench, looking through my bag to find my lunch. I sighed heavily when I felt a drop of rain land of the tip of my nose. Great, now I had to find another spot to eat, because eating alone in the rain is too depressing, even for me.

I got up while rearranging the messy contents of my bag when I bumped into someone. When I thought this day couldn't get any worse I looked up to see it was Jungkook who I had crashed into. Well I guess I could just add this to my list of crappy things for today.

"Hey, I've been trying to track you down since yesterday. I texted you but you didn't respond," Jungkook said.

Again, I added in my mind. I didn't respond again. This time it wasn't purposefully, well at least not like the last time. After Hoseok had stormed out I had blocked Jungkook's number, so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

"I spoke to Hoseok and he told me you guys had been in a fight, are you okay?"

Jungkook looked genuinely concerned, I didn't understand why he took interest in me. He barely knew me. He probably pitied the poor socially awkward Asian kid. He could almost hear Jungkook think it.

"I'm fine."

The raindrops had started falling increasingly heavier from the sky. I could feel my hair get wet and wetter, and I started to get impatient with Jungkook who didn't seem to notice.

"You don't seem fine."

Jungkook's eyes were inspecting my every expression, waiting for a sign that would give him the opportunity to- To what? I didn't know. Why did he try so hard to involve himself in my life.

"Can we please go inside? I don't feel like walking around in wet clothes for the rest of the day."

Jungkook nodded and followed me inside the nearest building. It amazed me how many people greeted him on our way in, I knew he was popular but it seemed like he knew everyone on campus. We stopped to sit at a table in the corner of the small cafeteria. Jungkook didn't waste any time after sitting down.

"Hoseok also told me what you guys fought about."

Oh. Of course Hoseok had. I started to get more uncomfortable with the situation, since I could feel where it was heading.

"I know these, uh lessons, might be a bit out of your comfort zone but Hoseok is right."

I tried to evade Jungkook's eyes who were trying to read mine, afraid they would show the aching shame that had stuck with me ever since Hoseok had called me out on my behaviour.

"I might not know you as well as Hoseok, but I am pretty sure you want to gain more confidence. I mean don't we all want that?" I remained silent still, so Jungkook continued. "I mean even I do."

Those last few words seemed to come out almost as a whisper, as though as it was a secret he hadn't told anyone before. The thought that someone like Jungkook could have insecurities too sparked a firing curiosity in me that I was unable to control.

"Why do you think you can help me?"

I tried to sound as harsh as I could, but my voice had its signature tremble in it making it sound more as a desperate plea than the arrogant remark I had tended it to be. I cursed myself for sounding this weak, which a little voice answered with the idea that maybe Jungkook could help me.

"I don't know if I can, if I'm being completely honest, but I'm willing to try. And hey, if it doesn't work out, at least you've gained a friend in the process right?"

Jungkook shot me a playful smirk, making it practically impossible to shoot him down. I don't know why, but agreeing didn't seem as scary this time.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Jungkook yelled out in excitement, making a couple of people look our way. Embarrassed by the eyes I could feel pricking all over me, I looked down at the table top pretending I couldn't feel each and every one of them judging me.

'Who is that guy with Jungkook?' 'I have never seen him before?' 'What would Jungkook do with a guy like that?' I couldn't ban out their whispers, which seemed to leave Jungkook unaffected.

"You won't regret this, I promise."

He said while he lifted from his seat to go about his day like nothing lifechanging had happened. I couldn't say I would be able to do the same.

That Saturday I was walking my way across campus to meet up with Jungkook. I hadn't talked to Hoseok yet, I still felt ashamed about our last conversation and I didn't want to excite him with good news when I wasn't even sure yet how this whole 'Jungkook adventure' was going to play out.

I felt like everyone was playing a big trick on me. I half expected the whole basketball team to be waiting up for me and laugh in my face. 'Ah look at the stupid shy kid, thinking he could ever get someone like Luna to notice him.' And that was one of the more optimistic scenario's I had envisioned.

Why on earth had I ever agreed to this. Even if Jungkook had been sincere, what could he do that Hoseok and myself hadn't tried at least a million times before? It's not that I don't want to be more outgoing, but every time I just chicken out at the last moment.

I reached the little café on the south side of campus that Jungkook had messaged me the night before. I was glad to see it wasn't that busy, and had a lot of comfy seats that were spread across the room, separated by big plants and stacks of books on tables and cabinets. At least we would have a little privacy.

Through the windows that took up most of the outside walls of the store I could see Jungkook was already waiting for me. He hadn't noticed me yet which gave me the time to study him for a second.

He was wearing slim black jeans and a simple off-white shirt tugged in it, which accentuated his slim waist and strong thighs. He was reading a flyer that was laying on the table in front of him, probably as a way to pass the time until I arrived.

Although there was nothing specifically remarkable about his outfit, he was the first one anyone would notice walking in. It was hard to pinpoint what it was that made you want to look at him. It wasn't just his looks, but more something in the way he moved. Gracefully and fierce at the same time, as if every movement was carefully thought out yet came to him so very easily.

As though I was looking at myself from above I felt painfully aware of how he was everything I was not. Walking in I felt clumsy and hesitant and invisible. When Jungkook's eyes finally found me he seemed unaware of my dispiriting thoughts and smiled at me fondly.

"Hey, I was almost getting scared you weren't going to show up, ready to get started?"

Hello lovelies,

I am honestly proud of this chapter. I have been reading so many great books lately that inspire me to put more detail into my writing. I feel like I am slowly getting better at that (if I may say so myself). Please let me know if you think so too, or if you have any ideas of what I could improve.

Love Mel💜

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