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Seokjin hadn't been lying when he said Luna was really sweet. She immediately started telling me how grateful she was for making time to help her on such short notice.

All I could do was stare at her. It was like she wasn't even real, she was what I imagined a Greek goddess would look like, or any goddess for that matter. Facial features so perfect it was like she had just stepped out of a magazine. When she touched my arm, I felt the electricity going through my body, making my heart race even faster.

She was looking at me, her eyes questioning. I realised she must have asked me a question, but I had been too caught up staring at her to hear it.

"I-I'm sorry, what did you say."

I felt my cheeks heat up, and I couldn't help but stammer. Great start, Taehyung, I thought cursing myself. But Luna didn't seem to mind, she laughed sweetly and repeated her question.

"I asked where you know Jungkook from. I know you're not in the basketball team, and I've never seen you at any of his parties before."

Well, I hadn't prepared for that question. My palms were starting to get sweaty. I knew where this was heading, I've had this happen a thousand times before. I needed to get out my own head, not worry about all the things to I could say or do wrong.

"We have a mutual friend, Hoseok." I finally manage to say.

"Oh, I don't think I know him."

I nodded. I was glad she didn't ask any more questions about it. I realised it was stupid for me to panic like this at all, why would she ever think Jungkook actually prepared me to hang out with her.

"So, what do you need me to help you with?"

"A lot actually. I've missed three weeks of classes and I've tried to keep up with notes from my friends, but those are not enough."

"Okay, so basically everything besides the first class we had on brain anatomy right?"

Luna nodded. I wondered again why she had missed so many classes. She didn't look like she was sick, or particularly sad over something. But that didn't mean anything of course, I knew personally how well someone could hide away their struggles.

"Can I take a look at the notes you got from your friends?"

She handed me her notes and even the slightest touch of our hands made my heart skip a beat. I told myself to focus and look at the notes.

"Well, I understand you didn't get much help by just looking at these. They miss a lot of important stuff. Here take a look at my notes for the second class and after that we can go through all the important points."

I was busy trying to find the flash cards I always made for each chapter. When I looked up I caught Luna staring at me with a tiny smile on her lips. It looked like she was just about to say something but for some reason changed her mind and started to read my notes. I hesitated a second before asking her.

"What did you want to say?"

Luna looked up and shot me another smile. To my surprise I saw that her eyes were looking a little teary. In a reflex I took her hands in mine. She looked shocked at first, which made me realize what I just did, but her eyes softened and she shot me a grateful smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, it's just, I'm just really happy you want to help me and take it so seriously. I have been stressing about not being able to catch up, but you make me believe I will."

Her words hit me like a truck. I didn't expect her to say that. My heart was welling up, I couldn't believe what I just heard. At this point I didn't even care anymore about asking her out, I just wanted to help her.

"Of course you will! We'll make sure of that, together."

We worked for three hours straight, until our heads couldn't possibly fit any more words into them. We had agreed we would meet again on Wednesday after class. We walked outside while the sun was already setting. The campus was much less crowded at this time of the day, most people were inside preparing their dinners or more likely ordering them.

"I always love the campus like this."

I looked over at Luna who was staring at the sun that was just disappearing behind the trees in front of us. The last rays of sunshine shining through the leaves created a beautiful pattern of lights and shadows across her face. I didn't say anything because I was scared she might look away and the moment would be lost.

"I mean the light is just that perfect kind of orange, making everything look less harsh and just so peaceful. Don't you think?"

She now had turned her head a little so she was looking at me sideways, he face still lit up almost shining itself.

"Yes, it does. I never really see it this much, but I always thought I loved the mornings on campus best. But I think I have to change my opinion on that."

She smiled at me for a little while until she looked back forward again. We just stood there for a while, until the sun completely disappeared.

"It feels kind out of place to ask you this now, but if you want you can come to my party this Saturday. I have already invited the basketball team, so Jungkook will be there, but if you want you can invite a couple of your other friends too."

"Really? I would love to come!"

My heart made a tiny jump in my chest, and I must have looked over the moon because Luna started laughing when she saw my reaction.

"I'll see you Wednesday then!"

She waved at me while she walked away. I managed to do the same, but I felt like I was nailed to the ground, in shock with what had just happened. Everything had happened so natural and easy, I almost hadn't recognised myself.

But it was me, just a different version of me. The one that didn't overthink every word I said. And now she had invited me to her party. The moment that truly sank in my whole body felt like it started to float. When I walked home I texted Jungkook, asking if he'd want to go for a run the next morning. I needed to tell him everything in person.

Hello lovelies,

I managed to struggle through yet another chapter. Hoping I'll get my inspo back soon. Till then I hope I will be posting at least one chapter each week. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story

Love Mel💜

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