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Namjoon and I had walked across campus without really seeing much of it. We had so much to talk about. He told me about his parents and how much he had missed me ever since I had moved to the US.

I told him about how hard it was to adjust here, how I had struggled with the language barrier in the beginning. I didn't really want to tell him how I only ever made one friend, it just seemed embarrassing and sad to talk about it. It didn't matter anymore anyways.

"Okay, but you have to tell me about the hair, because I mean it looks great and all, but I had never expected you to dye your hair."

Namjoon laughed. I was glad to see he hadn't changed his habit of laughing all the time. It was something I had always loved about him. He saw the bright side of everything.

"Okay, I'll explain. You see, you're right, I was never really someone who cared about his appearance so much, but Korea has changed a lot since you left. Like K-Pop is so popular now, people want to be like K-Pop stars you know. It has become so normal to dye your hair."

Namjoon stopped a second before continuing, like he had to think carefully as to what he was going to say next.

"I don't know, somehow the idea just seemed like something fun and new I could try out. And you know, girls like it."

Namjoon grinned sheepishly at me. I don't know why those words surprised me most. When we had been talking I seemed to have time travelled back to when we were kids, and girls didn't really fit in there. We hadn't really cared about girls that much back then.

"I can imagine they do, it suits you."

Namjoon's cheeks showed a hint of red. I laughed.

"What?" Namjoon looked confused.

"I see you still can't take a compliment."

"Well you're one to talk. You've been ignoring every compliment I gave you."


"Hey Taehyung!"

Namjoon and I had been so focussed on each other that I had completely walked passed Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook, sorry I didn't see you."

"That's okay, who's your friend?"

I could tell Jungkook was curious. He knew Hoseok was my only friend on campus, so I didn't blame him for wanting to know who Namjoon was. Before I could introduce Namjoon he had already shook Jungkook's hand himself.

"I'm Namjoon, I'm an exchange student from Korea and also a friend of Taehyung."

Jungkook's expression was just as confused as Hoseok and Seokjin's had been. "Wait friends from Korea?"

I nodded. "Yeah, what a coincidence, huh?"

"Yeah that's crazy! But how cool, you should come to one of the basketball team's parties once! We also have another guy in the team who was born in Korea, I'm sure you'll all get along."

Now it was my turn to be confused. There was only one other Korean guy on the team.

"Wait, was Yoongi born in Korea?"

"Yeah, but he moved to the US when he was like three years old or something. So he doesn't really remember anything. But he does speak Korean very well."

"Well that sounds like fun!" Namjoon said smiling.

"Great! We'll let you guys know when we have one planned."

Jungkook turned around but changed his mind and turned back to face us again.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, let's meet for another lesson tomorrow okay? After practice at the gym here. I have to go now, I'm late for my date."

Jungkook winked and walked away.

"Oh, and bring your gym clothes tomorrow!" He shouted from a distance.

"Lesson? What kind of lessons is he giving you? Are you trying to become an athlete? Because no offence, but you were never really the athletic type."

Why did Jungkook have to mention those lessons? Couldn't he just text me? I looked at Namjoon who was waiting patiently for me to answer. I sighed deeply.

"Jungkook is teaching me to become more confident around girls, one girl in specific actually."

Namjoon looked at me. It wasn't surprise or amusement, either of which I would have understood. It was more like concern. His brows were frowned together, almost forming one straight line. And his smile had disappeared from his lips.

"Why do you need help with that Tae?"

I uncomfortably started pushing around a rock with my shoe. I couldn't look at my old friend. Admitting I needed help to Jungkook had been one thing, but Namjoon only knew me as the kid who had many friends. I felt like a failure somehow.

"I told you how I struggled when I came to the States right?"

Namjoon nodded. We had walked over to a bench right next to the soccer field. They were doing some kind of running exercise and I was relieved it wasn't completely silent to make things even more uncomfortable.

"So learning English was really hard, and it took me a while before I completely understood it and even longer to correctly speak it. The kids in my class, they, they bullied me for it."

I stared at my hands, remembering their laughs and imitations of me.

"And it wasn't just my accent, but also my looks. They laughed at my glasses, my skin-color and super straight hair. I never really fit in. And by the time I went to high school I just kind of taught myself to hide you know, not talk to anyone."

I startled when I felt Namjoon's hand on my back, but relaxed after a second. I looked up at him and saw how much my story had hurt him. Namjoon had always been that sweet guy, wanting to take care of everyone else.

"I am so sorry Tae, you didn't deserve to go through that."

Namjoon pulled me closer into a hug. I didn't want to cry, not again, but the tears just seemed to come easy lately. Namjoon let go but kept one hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"Hey, but I'm here now, and that Jungkook guy looks pretty confident to me. So I'm sure that you'll be okay. And just so you know, I've always thought you were amazing."

I didn't know why his words sounded like a lie to me. Why would he lie, he is my friend. But there was always that tiny voice that whispered in the back of my mind. 'He hasn't seen you in years, what does he know?' 'Namjoon has always been the cooler, and more popular one of you two.' 'He's just mocking you.'

I tried to ban the thoughts out, but I couldn't. So I just nodded and stood up.

"Let's go back, I'll show you the way to your dorm."

Hello lovelies,

For the people who haven't read my messages. OHMYGOD SAVE ME HAS REACHED 10K !!! I am highly freaking the fuck out, sorry for my language. I can't believe my first fanfic has reached 10K. So for everyone reading this who has also read Save Me, THANK YOU! I love you, and thanks for sticking with me.

I may have found another good twist for this story. I am excited now...

Love Mel💜

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