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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table. My head was pounding. I lifted myself up moaning because the pounding in my head started to feel like someone was hitting me with a hammer from the inside of my brain. I am never drinking again.

I grabbed my phone and turned it around, only to be blinded by the screaming white light of the screen. I quickly turned the screen back off, trying to recover from the sudden stimuli that tormented my brain.

I could just reach my curtains, if I completely stretched out. I didn't feel much for coming out of bed yet, even though it would probably be easier if I did. I finally managed to slightly open my curtains, so I could adjust to the light a little.

After a few minutes of just lying there, contemplating my decisions, I found the strength to take another look at my phone.

Jungkook has sent you a message.

I had to blink twice and read it again, but the words remained the same the second time I read them. Why on earth would Jungkook text me. When suddenly the night before started to come back to me.

Oh fuck, what have I done? I was afraid and curious at the same time. Eventually my curiosity won, and I unlocked my phone to read the message.

Hey Taehyung, how are you feeling? Probably pretty shitty right, you drank a whole lot yesterday, and you don't seem the type to drink that much. No offence. Anyway, I texted you to see when you want to meet. You know to start our uhm lessons I guess. I don't really know what to call it, but text me back when you're available.

Shit, shit, shit, shit! This wasn't good. It was only because I had a few drinks at the party that I said yes. Never in my right mind I would have agreed to something like this. I tried to think of how to get out of this, but my head was banging so loud I couldn't think straight.

I'll just ignore it for now. He will think I'm still sleeping. Oh fuck, no. I forgot about the fact he could see I read his message. Ahhh, stupid. Why did I always have to be so curious. Well, I just hope he won't check his phone for a while.

To be sure I wouldn't be tempted to open any future messages I turned off my phone and put it back on the table beside my bed. Luckily it wasn't hard to fall back asleep, I never stayed up this late, so my body was screaming for more rest. It probably wasn't even a minute before I dozed off again into a deep sleep.

There was a knocking sound that woke me up. I murmured something inaudible and turned around to get back to sleep. But the person at the door didn't intend to give up that easily.

"Taehyung, open the door!"

I heard Hoseok yell from the other side. Reluctantly I got out of bed and opened the door. Hoseok was standing there with two bags in his hands. From the smell of it I could tell it was some kind of fast food. The greasy odour made me want to vomit right there.

"Get that shit away from me right now, or I'll throw up all over you."

Hoseok started laughing, this time he couldn't get me so far to join him. I just looked at him with dead eyes, praying for this day to be over soon.

"Not so used to alcohol are you?"

I didn't bother to answer that question, since we both knew the answer to it. I stumbled back into my bed and covered myself with my blankets out of protest. Hoseok ignored me and sat down at my desk and started unpacking the bags, only increasing the penetrant smell of fries and bacon.

"So I know you must feel like you'll never want to eat again, but trust me it helps if you do. I also brought you a large coke because that stuff saves lives when you're hungover."

I groaned as a response, but realised Hoseok was probably right, since he had much more experience with this than I had. So I sat up and gestured him to give me some food.

At first it felt like every bite would just find its way back up again, but slowly I started to feel a lot more energized. Hoseok noticed too and grinned at me proudly. God, how I hated it when he was right.

"Yeah, yeah, don't you dare start gloating about this. I am not in the mood."

Hoseok wisely kept his mouth shut and we ate the rest of our food in silence. When we were all done I noticed Hoseok staring at me from the corner of my eye. I raised an eyebrow at him as if I was saying: 'What it is?' I saw Hoseok hesitate for a second, but he asked me anyways.

"So I spoke to Jungkook earlier."

Oh fuck, here we go.

"He told me you ignored his text about him helping you out and all. What is that about?"

I sighed. I contemplated whether I should lie and tell him I felt too sick to answer. But Hoseok and I had always been honest with each other. I mean we didn't share everything, but when the other asked we'd always tell how we felt.

"I don't know what to say Hoseok. I just don't want to do it. I was drunk yesterday, and today I just think it's not the best idea."

"What do you mean not the best idea? Are you just forever going to stay in your own safe bubble? We both know you just pretend to be happy with your life."

Hoseok's words were harsh, but true. It hurt so much more to hear them spoken out loud. I wasn't happy, but I was too afraid to do something about it.

"I just want to do it at my own pace. Jungkook will just push me to do things I don't want to. I mean, I don't want to date a dozen of girls."

"That's not the point and you know it. You're just trying to stay in your comfort zone like you always do. We all know you don't want to be a womanizer, and Jungkook knows that too. He just wants to help you get a little more confidence."

I didn't know what to say. Hoseok was right, I knew that. But I just wasn't ready. I just stared at my feet while Hoseok continued to rage on.

"Honestly Taehyung, you're a great guy and an amazing friend. But it's unbearable to watch you throw away your potential!"

When I remained silent I heard Hoseok get up and walk over to the door. I was too ashamed to watch him leave, so I turned around and laid back down in bed.

"Really Tae, just grow up."

And with that Hoseok walked out,
slamming the door shut behind him. The blow felt like a slap in my face. We had never had an argument before. It felt like my heart was being swallowed up by darkness, but I lacked the strength to do anything about it.

Hello lovelies,

So far not a lot of people have been reading this story and I don't know how to change it... Ugh, anyways, I'll just keep going cause I'm really loving this story.

Love Mel💜

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