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I felt so much lighter walking home, the pressing weight of anxiety wasn't longer resting on my shoulders. The conversation between me and Jungkook had been so natural and carefree that we stayed there for at least three hours, talking about everything and nothing.

Jungkook had told him about his family, how his parents had tried to keep their Korean roots alive. They had moved to the US a few years before Jungkook was born, but Jungkook explained that he felt more Korean than anything else, but at the same time not at all.

His parents had forced certain Korean customs and values on him and his brother which felt foreign to them. He had never visited Korea because his parents didn't have that kind of money.

We had talked about the different holidays we'd celebrated at home and found that we had very similar experiences. I told Jungkook about my childhood in Korea. About how my family didn't have much money in Korea, but that it didn't matter to me because I had tons of friends.

When my dad got offered his current job in the United States he felt like he had to except it, to make sure me, my brother and sister would have a better future. But in all honesty I would have rather stayed in Korea.

I had never told anyone that before, but with Jungkook the words just poured out of my mouth. It felt like he would understand, and he did. Even though he hadn't experienced it himself, he understood.

My mind wandered to Hoseok, I really needed to talk to him. I hated how we had left things. Just as I was thinking that, Hoseok walked out of the building we lived in.


He turned to me and didn't seem too happy to see me. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. At least he didn't run away from me, that was something I guess. I met his eyes and they were looking at me annoyed. He had never looked at me that way before.

"What do you need Taehyung?"

Hoseok almost never used my full name when he talked to me, it was always Tae or Taetae. Taehyung sounded harsh and felt like an insult. I needed to start talking now, before he changed his mind and walked away.

"I'm sorry Hobi, you were right. I was being a coward and I know you and Jungkook are just trying to help."

The words streamed out of my mouth. I tried to talk as fast as I could because I was scared Hoseok might leave and I wouldn't get to say everything I wanted.

"I met with Jungkook this morning, I agreed to let him help me. I realised what you said was true, I am not happy, you know, not really. And the last week was even more depressing  because you weren't talking to me. You are my best friend Hobi, and I need you."

I saw a change in Hoseok's expression, it was like the dark clouds that were so foreign to him finally drifted away. A smile grew on his lips and I could see my friend as I knew him appear in front of me.

"I am proud of you, Taetae."

And with that the case was closed. We both knew we had felt exactly the same the past week, I could tell from the relief that was written across Hoseok's face. It wasn't necessary to talk more about it.

"I was just about to head to Seokjin, you know the guy from my class? Apparently we have a new exchange student from Korea, maybe you could come and join since your Korean is much better than mine."

Hoseok had told me about Seokjin before. Apparently he was one of the richest people going here. His dad had come from Korea to study at this university and never left the US. He was now on the board and donated tons of money each year.

I had never actually met him, but I had always wondered why Hoseok would hang out with a guy like Seokjin. Just as Jungkook, Hoseok had gotten a scholarship, although he got it through some sort of dance competition. His parents weren't poor exactly but they didn't have money lying around either.

"Sure, I'll come."

Hoseok looked slightly surprised, he was used to having to convince me to come to any social event whatsoever. But I was feeling stoked after my morning with Jungkook and making up with Hoseok, so I was basically up for anything.

"Let's go see if this is one of those overachieving Korean guys that always sits on the front row and tries to answer every question first."

Hoseok laughed, and I was glad it felt like old times again. I wondered about the exchange student. I heard a lot of Korean people came to the United States to study here, and I had known a lot of older brothers of my classmates that had went. Sometimes just for a semester, but a lot of the times they stayed for the whole four years and some even for good.

I was curious if it would be someone I knew. I tried shaking off the feeling of hope, but it stuck to me like honey to your fingers. Sweet and warm, but terribly treacherous. I knew the chances we so little, there was a whole country full of people who could have come here, yet a voice in me kept whispering it was someone I know.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Hoseok stopping to hug a guy sitting on a picknick table below the supposedly oldest tree on campus.

"Why did it take you so long, we've been waiting for you for at least 20 minutes. Anyways, here's the guy I told you about."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Namjoon."

That name woke me right up from my thoughts, Namjoon? It couldn't be.

Hello lovelies,

Sorry it took me so long to upload this. I was away this weekend and I've been busy with work (and lazy). Two more BTS members joining the story, yay!

Love Mel💜

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