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I was feeling so incredibly nervous sitting across Jungkook. I didn't know how to act, so I was fumbling with a coaster that I had grabbed from the table just to do something, anything.

Jungkook seemed a bit lost on how to begin too, although it wasn't as visible as with me. It was just something the way he looked at me that I could tell his mind was still searching for the right words to say. Of course it was Jungkook who finally began speaking first, not me.

"I think we should first just talk a little bit about ourselves," he stated.

It wasn't so much as a suggestion but more of a command. Not a command in the way that it made you feel obligated to do it, but more like you wanted to. Jungkook had the gift to talk that way.

"I-uh don't really know where to start."

Great, an 'uh' in the first sentence, way to come across confident. Although I guess it didn't really matter with Jungkook, he knew I wasn't confident. I mean that is the whole reason were sitting here. I guess it's just a force of habit to think that way.

"Just start with basics like where you're from, how old you are, what is your family like. That kind of stuff."

He didn't sound impatient like most people do when they talk to me, always sounding like they wanted the conversation to end as quickly as possible. I cleared my throat, kind of nervous with the idea of talking about myself for so long.

"I was born in Korea, in Daegu. I moved to the United States when I was eleven because my dad got offered a big promotion here. I have a brother and a sister, but I don't see them that much since I came here."

It was surprisingly easy to talk to Jungkook, he seemed to actually be interested in what I was telling him. The only other person who looked that way at me was Hoseok. So without even noticing it I started talking more self-assured, stating the words as they came out rather than making every sentence sound like a question.

"I'm 20 years old, turning 21 on December 30th. And my major is psychology, but you already know that of course. Let's see, I don't really like sports. I was never really good at them, which didn't earn me many popular-points in high school."

I stopped, not really knowing what to tell him next. I was sure Jungkook was going to ask me about the sports thing, but he ignored it for some reason.

"Why did you choose psychology as your major?"

I thought about it. It was actually quite ironic. Me, who was scared to talk to people, and to be honest scared of people in general, loved studying them. Maybe it was to understand them, understand why I didn't fit in.

"I don't know. I've just always found people interesting, but from a distance you know. I like observing people, seeing how they react to every day situations, trying to understand their feelings and fears."

What I didn't say was that I loved exploring those feelings because they inspired me to write my songs. Of course I wrote about my own feelings too, but I enjoyed it even more to crawl into someone else's skin and try to pen down their emotions and experiences.

I didn't tell him because I thought he might not understand, think it was creepy in some way as so many had told me before. I didn't tell him because it was one of the most person facts about me and I wasn't quite ready to expose myself like that.

"So besides learning about 'feelings'," he said drawing out the last word, "what are your hobbies?"

I couldn't quite pinpoint whether he was mocking me or it was just innocent teasing. Jungkook's face was like a fortress, there were only tiny openings at the top that let you glance in. But they were up so high it made it practically impossible to figure out what was going on inside.

"I read a lot."

I paused. I didn't really felt like telling him about my music and I honestly didn't have many other hobbies. So I dared to be bold and flip the conversation around.

"But what about you? You said you thought it would be best if we got to know each other first, but so far I have been the only one talking. Tell me something about you."

I was surprised at how casual it all rolled off my tongue. Jungkook didn't seem to notice the difference.

"I'm also 20, but my birthday isn't until September 1st."

Wait, so he was a year younger than me. I didn't know that.

"I skipped a class in primary school because I was born in September or something, I still don't really get it. My parents are also Korean, but I was born here in the States. I major in politics, although I'm not really sure I want to. My dad kind of pushed me to do so, he thinks I should run for president one day."

He brushed it off with a quick laugh, which made me believe it wasn't really a joke. I know from first hand that Korean parents can be quite demanding when it comes to their kids future. I never had any problems with it because I always did very well in school, but my little brother wasn't that fortunate.

"Let's see. As you know I love sports. Any sports really, but I've always been best at basketball. I actually got a scholarship because of it, otherwise my parents would have never been able to afford sending me to a school like this."

I was actually quite surprised to hear that. For some reason I had painted a picture of Jungkook in my head as a rich kid, maybe because most popular kids are. But now I thought of it, the times I had seen Jungkook around campus he was never really wearing anything flashy or visibly expensive. I had just assumed it was just his style, never in a million years I would have thought it was because he couldn't afford anything fancier.

Suddenly I felt ashamed for assuming. Maybe I wasn't as good at reading people as I claimed to be. Or maybe Jungkook was just really skilled at hiding the things he didn't want everyone to see.

Jungkook must have read my thought because he jokingly called me out on it.

"Not what you had expected huh?"

I didn't really know how to answer that, it seemed rude to agree even though we both knew it to be true. Jungkook had told me before that the least I would be getting out of this was gaining a friend, but I hadn't really believe that until now. There was so much more to him than that cool and good-looking exterior, that suddenly I couldn't wait to spent more time with him and find out everything about him. Even if that meant stepping out of my comfort zone.

Hello lovelies,

Well you know all two of you. Sorry I'm being whiney and even begging people through my I Need U story to read this one too. I'm just sad almost no one is reading this while I feel like this will be such a cool story...

Okay I'm done with the feeling sorry for myself. Shoot me some ideas for what Tae and Kookie could do during their next 'lesson'. I might just write it into this story if its good.

Love Mel💜

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