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"Who's texting you, you look kind of nervous?"

I looked up from my phone and saw Hoseok investigating me, looking around further I saw he wasn't the only one. Did I really look that nervous?

"Uh, it's Luna."

"Wait, what!"

Hoseok nearly jumped out of his chair while Namjoon and Seokjin we're still looking kind of lost. I remembered I never told Namjoon her name.

"Yeah, so apparently she needs a tutor or study partner or something. She asked Jungkook if he knew someone, so of course he suggested me. And I think she now just texted me what day we should meet."

"Wait is that girl you told me about?"

I nodded.

"That's great Tae!"

I smiled at Namjoon, but it disappeared again quickly. I stared nervously at my phone, my finger hovering over my messages app. I finally clicked to open it.

You're a lifesaver thank you so much! What about we already start tomorrow? Cause I REALLY need the help. Shall we meet at the library in the social sciences building at 3PM?

That's perfect! I'll see you tomorrow then.

"We're going to meet tomorrow in the library," I state matter-of-factly.

Namjoon and Hoseok start throwing questions at me without even waiting for an answer. They want to know what time, what library, how I plan to turn this study session into a date, if I will ask her on a real date and so on. Seokjin is just sitting there, watching my two friends babble on.

"You still have no clue what's going on, right?" I say to him.


"There's this girl in my class, Luna, and I've liked a for quite a while but I never dared to ask her out. But then I met Jungkook at this party Hobi and I went to, and he knows her so he offered to help me out a bit."

"Is that the girl with the long ginger hair?"

"Well, I wouldn't say ginger, but yes."

"She's cool, her dad is also in the board so we met once at one of those lame faculty parties my dad made me go to, and she was the reason it was actually kind of fun. She's pretty wild if she wants to be."

Seokjin laughed. A knot formed in my stomach listening to Seokjin's story. I had this nasty feeling they might have hooked up, and I just couldn't stop my imagination from running wild. Seokjin must have noticed the change in my face, because he quickly continued.

"We never kissed or anything. We just stole a bottle of this expensive whiskey and drank it all on top of the roof, just dancing and stuff."

I let out a sigh, although I still felt a bit uneasy. I realised how little I actually knew about Luna. I never knew her dad was in the board of education too. Actually, it's not that strange, I never had a real conversation with her.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Luna is really sweet, I didn't exactly expect her to be, since she looks like the typical rich girl, who in my experience aren't all that great. But she is, so don't worry too much."

I shot Seokjin a weak smile. It was nice of him to say that, but it didn't really take away much of my nerves.

"Yes Tae, you'll be great. Seriously, every girl would be lucky to have you. She'll see that too!" Namjoon beamed.

For the rest of the night I was lost in my thoughts. The others tried to take my mind of it, but after trying and failing a couple times they just gave up. I walked back with Hoseok in silence because he knew words wouldn't really change anything. Once I was stuck in my head only time, music and my notebook could get me out.

Once I got home I immediately searched for my notebook, or as Hoseok called it: the diary of a neurotic. I sat down in my comfy chair and grabbed my headphones from the side table next to it. I cramped up the volume till it muted out everything else, and I started to write. I started to write all the different things that could happen tomorrow. All the things that could go wrong.

I hadn't done this in weeks, and it felt like a setback. But I couldn't help myself. I knew if I wouldn't do this, I would never be able to fall asleep. I probably wouldn't even be able to show up at the library tomorrow. So I wrote, and wrote. Pages, until my hand went numb and my brain was finally empty.

I went to bed, tired and emotionless and immediately fell to sleep. I must have been at least 2AM, although I didn't dare to look. Luckily I only had one class the next day at 11AM. I walked across campus mindlessly with my music blaring through my headphones. Distracting myself from what was happening later today.

I tried focussing on what my professor was saying but the words didn't register in my mind, it was like I heard him saying it but it just didn't make sense. Luna wasn't in class, which I found quite strange. But I was also kind of relieved, because that bought me a little more time to mentally prepare.

When I walked out of class I noticed I had received a text from Jungkook. I quickly opened it, hoping it would give me some courage.

Hi Tae, good luck today with Luna. And remember, be yourself. You're are an amazing person and probably even a better teacher. You've impressed me with all you've achieved these last couple of weeks, now go impress her too!

It did give me courage. When I approached the library I already saw her standing outside. I could spot her in any crowd. Her hair was like fire, catching your eye even in the most hectic scenes.

But it was not just her hair that was striking to me. It was the way she moved, or even just stood there. There was a grace to it, which I now realised must be because she grew up in a wealthy family. Everything about her was delicate and elegant. From her long slim legs to the dimples in her cheeks.

She only realised it was me until I was almost standing in front of her. Her absent look changed into a gleaming smile, showing her slightly parted front teeth. I had never noticed that before, I wondered why she had never had that fixed. But somehow it suited her.

"Hi, you must be Taehyung," she said, offering me her hand, "I'm Luna. Shall we get started?"

Hello lovelies,

I am the worst with keeping up with this story, I'm so so sorry. I've kind have been obsessing over Game of Thrones again lately, because of the last season and everything. I started my Instagram fanaccount again so I'm mostly editing for that. BUT it's always with BTS playing. Goshhh, I love Persona so so much!

Love Mel💜

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