Harry and Friends (Pt 2)

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Harry entered last, shutting the door behind him whilst we all went to the back yard, and Harry said "What do you want to do know?"

"Thruth or Dare?" One of the boy screaming one D rules earlier

"Liam Really" Ashton said "How about something more mature?"

"Hide and seek in the woods?" One of Ashtons friends said

"Luke, we said more mature not less" Ashton giggled.

"Truth or dare" Harry said "Just don't involve Lu" I rolled my eyes, he looked after me he just didn't want me to remember what happend when I was a kid, when I didn't know he existed. There were a few nodds but one or more protests from some of them. "Harry I'm going inside anyway don't worry about me" I whispered in his ear before going to my room to eat, I didn't like eating in front of people so I watched them from my room as creepy as it sounds I wanted to know what they did and how drunk they got. I love watching Harry drunk he can be a right laugh then. But he protects me more. Harry came inside to get alcohol I asume. I went back outside and said something about being lonely, after they were smashed. They had stopped playing truth or dare, or so I thought.

"Lu, it's your turn" Liam said "Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I replied, Harry looked at me and shook his head.

"I dare you to snog Aston" Luke said, Harry looked at him with the death stare

I stood up and went over to Ashton and kissed his lips, I got butterflies in my stomach. I could feel Harrys eyes in my back he knew I was compleatly sober I don't drink. I pulled away. I looked Ashton in the eyes. I could tell if he felt it too or if was just me. I went back to sit next to Harry, Ashton looked kinda shocked.

"Parties over" Mum said behind us, how long had she been stood there? I stood up fast and walked to my room without looking at her. I could hear everyone talking and "Why did you let her join in she is a little girl" Mum was shouting, "I am so sorry Mum I shouldn't have let her join in" Harry said followed by sorrys from 8 different voices. "Now go to bed" Mum said, her usual self, in charge. I miss some things from when I was younger like friends, I never got any real friends only ones that wanted to know Harry. I guess my old friends would be the same now. Haven't talked to them for three years. I've changed so much from the girly girl I was back then, to this, this semi nerdy, semi preppy thing I had going on. I love it here so much, I know no one here they don't know my past only Harry and mum know what happend, not the bullshit we told the nabours. (That I was in hospital a lot and stayed at grandma's house because it was quiet with out Harry playing his army games there.) They always ask me how I am feeling when I see them and it annoys me so much. The thing was when I kissed Ashton I felt like I was safe. I think I am slowly falling for him. Ashton I mean. My brother was so annoyed at the dare Luke set me. I could tell. I think there will be a fight sooner or later about it. I stopped paceing my room, and took of my day cloths off and shoved on one of my pj tops and bottems, climed into bed and quite quickly fell asleep. Into the land of dreams.





I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I turned over to fall back asleep but someone came in. Someone who was there last night but who's name I didn't know. His hair was black with red parts to it. His eyes looked like a deep brown but I couldn't really tell. "Out my room I am sleeping" I said, He smiled and replied "Lucy, You can't be as you are talking to me, My name is Michael by the way"

"Fine whatever, Michael, Now can I sleep?"

"No its 12:30, You missed breakfast."

"So? Not hungry."

"Okay I'll leave you here to do what you want" Michael left the room, "I might as well get up now" I thought to myself. I got out of bed and walked to my closet, grabed a pair of shorts and a tank top and quickly took off my pj's and sliped into my new outfit, I put my hair into a messy bun as I couldn't be asked to brush it and do something good. I walked out my room to the kitchen. I blushed, it looked like michael was the only one that had something other than just boxers on. I went to the fridge and took no notice of the guys, before grabbing a banana. I went back to my room. Before going out the door of the kitchen I glared at them, and they just laughed as I walked away.





I hope you like it so far. It took me ages.


-Cara xxx

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