Support group.

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I opened my eyes. White. Clean. Too clean. Sanitery. Hospitals, the smell. I shiverd slightly. I hugged myself and I noticed I was wearing Harry's shirts. Again.

"Lucy, You need to go to support group." A lady chirped at me. I rolled my eyes and saw a pile of legings and tops on a chair. I sliped out my bed and padded across the room putting a pair of leggins on. I didn't want to change in to one of mine. Harry's sent made me calmer. Standing out side my room was a short girl with big, brown eyes and a small smile.

"Hi, I am here to take you to support group." She chirped. Everyone was so chirpy. It was the opposite to how I was feeling. I wraped my hair round my index finger. I saw Ashton sat just down the hall. He had a froun on his face and he looked at the floor cleanching his fists

"Hey Ash." I said stopping to talk to him. He up looked at me his face became calm and he hugged me. "Ashton wait for me to come back I will be back in an hour maybe more I have to go to this sucky suport group with her." I mutered idicating at the girl. She was staring at Ash.

"Are you a fan?" He asked, she nodded. He pulled out his walet and gave her a photo of them all signed by each of them. "Bye Lu." He said. I gave him a small hug and walked away the girl slightly ahead of me.

"You know 5sos?" She chirped.

"Yeah I was touring with them." I replied. " Harry is by foster brother." Her eyes lit up.

"You was the one they postponed the tour for?" She asked looking shoked "That is Harry's shirt." She had started to fangirl. Crap. "He was wearing it the other day. Are you sure your not his girlfriend? I am cool if you are you know."

"I am truly his foster sister." I replied pissed of at this girl I bearly knew. She pushed open a door, holding the photo for eveyone to see they all congratulated her. I was stood slightly behind her. She held my wrist and pulled me to two empty chairs by a blackboard. I looked around the room. 16 people 16 chairs.

"Hello guys. Have a good week? I know I sure did." This lady started I didn't even notice her sat in the circle. "Shall we go round the circle? I will start. My name is Sue Jones I am aged 22 and I am your consultent."

The next person spoke, and the next, and the next, the girl sat next to me who brought me here.

"Hi I am Marie Paridis, I am 15. I am an ex selfharmer. And I love 5sos." she said.

"Hi I am Lucy Styles," I started then a bunch of whispers broke out "I am 16. I have an eating disorder and I am an ex selfharmer. And I was on tour till yesterday with my brother and his friends." I smirked and sat back in my chair. No one could beat me, and I knew it. I felt like we were all trying to out cool each other. It was a competition we were all trying to win.





Ten minutes had pased. I was super bored. I had started to think about the bus and the guys I missed them so much and I saw them only yesterday.

"Can I be dismissed?" I asked with out waiting for an answer I walked out and went back to Ash.



I was where Ashton was, by himself my I add, Now all 9 of them was there I was getting hugs and high fives from everyone.

"Cake to the rescue!" Calum said with a smirk.

"Stay CALM" I said. I gave him another hug. "Guys can you do me a favour?" I asked they nodded "Follow me." I started to walk at quite a pace back to the suport group I told them to wait out side till I said suprise. Then pushed open the door and I walked in.

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