Not to people.

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-Luke's POV-


I love my new room #Australia

She sent out a tweet. She had the attic room and she loved it. Girly. But not to girly. Aways been like that. We hadn't told the others she was going a few days ago. On Tuesday. The knew now, that was for sure.

"Really? You don't think to tell us she was going?" Someone yelled down the bus.

"She didn't want to be the center of everyone's attention. As normal," Ashton sighed. Looking at a angry Harry who was stood in front of us.

"She's my SISTER!" Harry's voice got louder.

"But she wasnt was she? Not really she was Hemmings at heart. Great sinfing voice and everything," I muttered

"Lucy, Lucy doesn't sing," Harry spat, "Not to people anyway. Not even me."

"She sang to us," Michael interjected. Harry's face filled with jealousy.

"Sorry 'bout Harry," Zayn said grabbing Harry's arm, "Come on Hazza let's get you some ice cream yeah?" Zayn pulled Harry away, "Oh and tell us before someone moves across the globe!" They were nad at us. Very angry. Pained. Naybe even heartbroken. A wave of pain hit me. Lucy was gone, the Lucy we all knew and loved was gone. Soon she'd be sone fake accented brit, or would she?



Updating on my phone is a pain and a half. The parts are gunna be short. Sorry. Xx

-Cara Hood-Irwin-Hemmings-Clifford (CC)

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