Gotta get, Gotta get, Gotta get out.

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-Ashton's POV-

You are the whore, trying to get with every boy in this establishment. You kissed Niall, Ashton, Luke and Harry in the past three weeks. I have my sources," Robyn screamed back. I took baby steps towards them.

"Robyn shut up, Luke's her brother. Harry is her foster brother. But Niall. She never told me about Niall..." I trailed off looking Lucy dead in the eyes. I was mentaly pleading for it to be false.

"Ashton I can explain," She whispered

"You can but I don't want you to," I retorted. I span around and ran. My head hurt. My heart hurt. All of me hurt. I jumped into the rental car. And drove. Drove as fast as I could. 


-Lucy's POV-


Ashton left. He just pulled away. I went into my bed room before bolting the door behind me. My phone was in my pocket so I pulled it out and sent a text. I grabbed my song book and started writing a song tears filling my eyes. 


-Calum's POV-


I could hear shouting. when Ashton went inside. It stopped abruptly. After a few moments a car pulled away and sped off. My phone went off from my back pocket. I stood up and slid it out to read the text.

From: Lucy

Ashton is gone. He left in the car. 

"Fuck" I muttered. I knew I had to deal with this. Do I go find Ashton? Or do I go look after Lucy? "Shit," Luke looked at me funny, so did Mikey. I realized I had an other option. I tell Luke and Mikey they go look for Ashton I go to Lucy. I decided to text Lucy. But what should I say? Should I ask why? Or should I ask if she is okay? Or do I tell her it is under control. I knew what was right. 

To: Lucy

Are you okay? xx

She replied,

From: Lucy

No it is all my fault I let Niall kiss me.

Niall didn't kiss her did he? I looked over at Niall. He was sat with his phone in hand. Eden begging for his attention. I decided to tell Luke and Mike via text.

To: Lukey boiii and Mikey

Ashton has left please go find him. 

I pressed send as I was walking to the house to go find Lucy. I stood out side her door. I knocked then tried to open it. She locked it. I heard sobbing. I couldn't leave her in that state. It hurt me too much to see her cry. She became the little sister I always wanted. I knocked again sighlently willing for her to answer the door, let me in. I could still hear the crying and but it was muffled. My phone vibrated. I ignored it, for a second before opening it.

From:  Lukey boiii

Why? How do you know? Is Lucy okay?

I couldn't lie to Luke I knew that.

To: Lukey boiii

A while ago Niall kissed Lu, Lu didn't tell Ash. He found out and ran off. Lu told me. She is currently crying. Go find Ash please.

I looked at Lu's door again.

"Lucy," I whispered, "Cal-pal to the rescue." I tried to joke. But I couldn't I was pleading with her. On the other side of the door, I heard foot steps and some sniffing. Then a bolt slide and hit metal. Lucy opened her door a crack. Peering into the hall. Looking to make sure it was just me, I guess. Her eyes were red, her pale blue eyes were red from crying. Her brown hair was knotted, in tangles and a mess. Tear stains flowed down her cheeks. She finally opened the door wider and stepped away. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. She was wearing a hoodie, her wrists hidden. 

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