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I remember putting a spare key in my shoe. So I bend down, take the key out (that was in my sock). I insert the key inside the door and open it as fast as I can. Shutting the door, I insert the key into the ignition. I began to drive away.

As I look beside me I see Zayn on a bicycle, why the fuck would he do that. With the same gun in his hand and he pulled the trigger again. The bullet going through the car window hitting me on he shoulder. Why didnt I drive faster?

"FUCK YOU" I screem, as I hit hard on the gas pedal driving like an idiot.

"BITCH. " I scream still not giving into this demon.

The pain hurts so much and every second I drive further the pain increases, but I will not let Zayn Malik win at all, I will be strong I have to fight no matter what.

Elena's POV

"This is good, im surprise on how we did." Me and Liam both laugh as we gulp down some of the spaghetti we made. Its 12:00 pm. it literally took us 2 hours to make this spaghetti.

After my mental break down about Amelia's death. Liam told me to just stay strong and things will get better. It was suckish advice, but I sank it in.

I'll always be sad, but there's absolutely nothing I can do except be the girl she would want me to be. I called her parents and we talked about funeral arrangements for her body.

. " So my sister wants a pet dog, do you think your dad can give us one?" Liam asks finishing his last bit of the spaghetti. Liam has only one sibling and her name is Emily. She is 14 and loves animals.

When Emily turned 10 we went to a zoo and ever since then her love for aninals sprung. She really loves dogs and she is turning 15, June 14. Which is in two days and I was suppose to ask father to hook them up but I forgot completely. " Okay yeah and I promise I wont forget." I laugh.

"Sure." Liam says rolling his eyes and laughing. He knows me so well.

"GOD!!" Me and Liam here a loud scream. We both run out of the kitchen towards the living room.

"DAD WHAT THE..." I Scream as I witness my parent, covered in blood, His suit is ripped on the side and blood is gushing. He drops his knees to the floor or it looks like his knees had no choice but to drop.

" DID A DOG ATTACK YOU OR SOMETHING. " I scream "Liam help me to my room." is all my father says as Liam rushes to his side guiding him to his room. "What the fuck. WHY ARE YOU SO CALM, DAD YOUR BLEEDING EVERYWHERE GOSH." I scream. Following the two men. "Liam go faster." I rush him.

"I'm trying." he says grunting. I forgot how heavy my dad is.

I follow behind him as Liam lays him on his bed. "Ill go get the first aid kit." I say as I begin to turn my heels. "No Liam, go I need to speak to my daughter." My dad says calmly.

I swear my dad is losing his mind. "Sure." Liam says leaving the room. I'm pretty sure Liam is feeling very weird at this moment.

I'm so confused right now. He walks in here all bloody and he is all calm. Maybe this is a trick, he is playing with me.

"Elena, I need to speak to you." my dad says positioning himself in a upright position. "No dip. You walk in here all "bloody" from work, those animals are crazy." I say giggling.

I lift up my fathers shirt . " Did someone stab you? This is no accident. Nor animal. " I say, my mind is raising. Wait can't you die from a stab in the stomach? I should've studied medicine. I noticed it was a stab because an animal bite wouldn't look like this.

As I lift up his shirt more at the side of his shoulder there's a bullet, inside of it. "What the fuck, did someone shoot you?" I question him again.

I have to think positive other wise by the time im 30 ill have grey hair. How can an animals do this to somebody? Unless it is a person. Wait why would someone at an animal shelter stab someone?

"Look Elena, everything that you know or you thought, you knew is about to change. " My dad says, as he coughs out blood. "Dad you need to fix that." I say pulling out my cell phone.

"What are you doing?" My dad asks, as I find the ambulance number. I really need to remember these stuff.

"Calling an ambulance." I say as I put the phone to my ear. "Hello Ambulance.." I pause waiting for an answer.

"No don't do that Elena." I think my dad is nuts. "Your gonna die." I say as I hear the lady on the other line reply back.

"Hello yes um I have a guy here it looks like-"

" PUT THE PHONE DONE-" My dad screams as he coughs up blood again.

"Dad you can die without getting that fixed." I say panicking at the thought of my dad dying and of him screaming at me. I hang up the phone as I listen to him. Wait why did I just listen to him? I pull out the number again as I'm about to touch the green button my dad coughs again.

"Elena please listen, im apart of this company and I regret being apart of it, I regret it. When I first joined I thought that I was just in it for the money, that was until I realised the danger and that the people around me would also be indangered, all these wounds on my body were because I tried to escape and if you dont pack your things and leave now you would be in trouble." my dad rushes through everything.

Im so confusd. What company is he apart of? Is he taking one of his crazy pills?

"Dad you are crazy or drunk or I dont know what happened at work but you need a doctor." I say as I dial the number for the hospital again.

"Elena you dont freaking get it, your indangered." My father says.

" Yeah and one day I'll meet ophrea. Dad I dont know what you've been taking but you need help." I finally was able to call the ambulance.

"Hello what's your emergency? " The lady on the other line says.

"Yes-" I was cut off bye the opening of the door.

"Liam?" I call out, "Liam why did you leave." I screem again.

" HEY PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!" I hear someone in the background say.

As I hang up the phone again.

" Oh no his here." Dad says shaking his head. "Wait who? " I question my father. "Hide...." my father whispers.




Twitter: @niallsxidiot

Instagram: horan.ftclifford

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