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- arabella -

Rolling over in bed, I tried not to make any more movements. My head was going around in circles, it made my stomach feel squeezy as it did.

"Bella!" Someone yelled from the hall, the door soon being wide opened and my oldest sister standing with an annoyed look. "Bella, you're late."

Without even looking at her, I sigh deeply, clearing my throat and squeezing my eyes harder. "Regina, I don't feel good."

"You don't feel good?" She mimic me back, standing at the foot of the bed with arms crossed. "You do know that this could be the moment where you inherit the business?"

"I don't want to." I let out a small cry, my own making my head pound. "I'm not ready for that. Why can't they give it to Tab or Sammy?"

Regina laughed, her laughter making me cringe and dig my head deeper into my pillow. "Tabitha will be placed in rehab and Sammy... Sammy is an idiot. You're dad's last choice."

"Wow." I say, finally letting my eyes open. I threw a pillow at Regina, missing her figure by maybe a foot. "Thanks, Gina, makes me feel a lot better."

"Come on, Bella." She sighs, now coming to my side of bed and tugging on my arm. "Up."

Sitting me up, I felt all my organs move around, my stomach being extra fragile. Shooting up from the bed, I push my sister a side and did a rockstar slide to the toilet.

The sight of my own vomit and even the smell made me nauseous all over again. Bending over the toilet for a minute more, I finally sit back and let out small sobs as I felt all the energy in me leave.

"Holy shit, you must be really sick." Regina gasps, grabbing tissues and throwing them to me. She was a germaphobic. "I'm cancelling everything and calling mom. Maybe even Penny to take care of you."

Dashing out and leaving me on the bathroom floor, I let out even more sobs. My body felt weak and disgusting, like if I had ran a marathon. After sitting a few more minutes, I finally got up and went to my bed, sliding under the sheets to stop the dizziness.

Why am I just getting sick!? I can't get sick. I have so many things to do and so many places to be.

My door was opened once again, Regina's heels clicking on my marble floor. I felt a poke on my side, "Penny is on her way. Don't move, okay?"

Nodding, she said her goodbye and left. My head still pounding and my stomach still swirling. Closing my eyes, I thought about my ex. If he was here, he would of made me soup already and cuddled me until he was either sick too or had cured me.

I must of fallen asleep because the next time I opened my eyes, I had a cold rag on my forehead and a very concerned Penny sitting at the end of my feet.

"Oh, mija, thank God you're awake." She says, scrambling off the bed and standing above me. She took the rag away and pressed her hand on my cheek, nodding to herself. "The fevers gone down. Isabella called, but I her you sleeping so she says to call her when you're awake."

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask, my voice totally normal, I thought that it would of been groggy. Taking my phone, I took a look at it and gasp. "Was I really asleep for three hours!?"

Penny shrugged, "Did you eat something the past few days? Oh, please Bella, don't tell me you drank!"

"Penny..." I whined, feeling bad for making her upset. Sitting up slowly, I clutch my stomach with one hand and grabbed onto her with the other. "I'll be fine, okay? Last time I drank was a few weeks ago."

She nods, pulling me in for a hug. "Okay, mija, I'm going to go now. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Nodding, she kissed my forehead and leaves silently. Unlike my sister, she closes the door softly. Laying back down, I grab a hold of my phone and dialed Isabella, wondering why she didn't stayed.

"Hello?" She answered on the third ring.

"Um, why didn't you asked Penny to wake me up?" I ask right away, "I was dying, Isa!"

She laughed, "Bitch you were not. I didn't know you were gonna have a late reaction to the alcohol."

"I don't think its that." I sigh, closing my eyes and trying to stay still as the room began to spin. "Maybe I got food poisoning. I went on a lunch date to a new sushi bar with Tab and Sammy before Tab's relapse."

"Oh." Was all Isabella could say, "At least she's getting the help she needs."

I nod, feeling the overwhelming feeling of my breakfast coming up. "Hold on, Is-"

Rushing up and to my bathroom, I-once again-began to vomit. By the end of my session, my throat was burning and my head felt like it was going to explode.

Rinsing my mouth, I tumble back to my bed. Grabbing the phone, I heard Isabella shouting at me and at someone. "Isabella, calm down."

"Holy Bella!" She exclaimed, her screaming only making my headache bad. "That is it. I'm coming over."

"I thought you were in New York?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "It must be the flu or something. Don't even bother coming."

"Oh, Bella." She sighed heavily, most likely shaking her head. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'll be there in a few hours with everything. Ice cream, face masks, a test, some wine-"

"What test?" I ask, stopping myself from rubbing my temples. Standing up, I rush to my calendar. "Isabella?"

Her breathing became short, "Haven't you thought of it?"

"Of what?" I snap back, running down my stairs and into the office. Looking over at my calendar, I felt my stomach drop. "What the fuck, Isabella?"

"I'm sorry." She huffs, "Am I wrong for asking that, Bella?"

Shaking my head, I just sighed and sat on the chair. "No. But I'm not pregnant."


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