"I can't do the man hunt." I whined as I slapped the laptop off my lap, it was starting to heat and annoyed me. Throwing a pillow at him, I began to whine again. "Sammy, what am I supposed to do now?"
"What are you supposed to do!?" Sammy almost yelled at me back, his glasses almost falling off his face when he turned back to glare at me. "I don't know, maybe fucking ask one of your friends if they saw the guy and then tell Regina so she could help."
Geez, I didn't know he was this mad.
"Is this a bad time?" I whisper at him, he paced in front of me, papers on his hands and a serious look on his face. "I should head back home, huh?" Saying it more to myself, I roll my eyes at the back of him. "Okay, then."
Pepa woke up from her nap, stretching and then flopping back down. I wish I was like her, just nap, poop, eat, bark, and repeat. Wow, in a few months I'll have my own Pepa, but in my case it'll be a human being.
Shaking off the weird thoughts and getting off the bed with my laptop in hand, I stood in the doorframe continuing to watch him. I just wanted him to notice me, maybe even give me a glare. I hate dad for making him do this.
He was so invested in whatever he was reading, it reminded me of Olly and dad. I feel bad for him, this was only the beginning of a lifetime of stress.
"Love you, Sammy." I announce, reminding him of my presence and also lingering a bit to hear him say it back. "I love you, Samuel." I repeat, frowning at his back. Getting no response, I huff and walked out, making sure to slam the door and make Pepa bark. "Fucker."
I went across the hall, dropping the laptop in the bed and putting some music to help me relax. Ed Sheeran works. Since I was no longer needed here, I am going back downtown where I could walk naked and yell lyrics at the top of my lungs and sleep until 4 am.
Regina had left yesterday to New York after our encounter in the family living room about the business, she didn't even said goodbye properly to me or my parents-just to Penny. Olly went back to London with his colleagues and their families, except for the boys.
Beginning to pack away, I got a notification, the ding making me run up. For all I knew, it could be Isabella updating me. Clicking on the tabs I had, I stopped on Instagram, seeing that I gained a couple followers and a message.
'niallhoran: I hope you don't find this creepy, but can I have your #?'
Biting down my lip, I stood back up and just stared at the notification. I could feel my hands beginning to sweat, so when I also felt my head begin to spin, I looked at the new followers.
liampayne louist91 gemmastyles lottietomlinson
It kind of creeped me out at how they found me so fast, but then I started to put two and two together. Maybe Louis Tomlinson is my baby daddy.
Running to the bathroom, for the third time since I woke up, I let myself fall and begin to throw up. Guess morning sickness doesn't always happen in the morning.
What should I do about Niall? Is he going to tell me about Louis? How would he know anyways? Oh my, God, what if Niall is my baby daddy?
I gave myself a splash of cold water in the face, hoping for all those thoughts to just disappear. I had to pack up, drive home, and maybe even hibernate until my due date. I can't let anything freak me out, so hiding away from the rest of the world was my only solution.
With that plan in mind, I began to hurry myself to pack faster. Just as I was done, another notification came through.
'niallhoran: I just want you to tell us about places to go!!! I have a gf, love.'
Kneeling down in front of the laptop, I paused my music and opened up my DMs. At least I know he can't possibly be my baby daddy and he doesn't know I'm pregnant-he doesn't look like the type to cheat.
'astorbella: Sorry, I was just packing. I could send you a list of restaurants/clubs/museums once I'm done!'
Bitting down my lip, again, it didn't take long for him to answer back. Or maybe he was the type to cheat.
'niallhoran: Thanks. I also wanted to add you to a gc, just to update us all at the same time bc I'm horrible at passing mssgs!!'
I shook my head, I knew myself and if I was added to a chat, I would panic. Leaving him as 'Read', I logged off every site and turned the laptop off. My feet moved me on their own, collecting everything I needed. Once I was done, I got a piece of paper from my nightstand and a pen, scribbling a quick note for my parents and Penny-her being the only one to care.
'Going back home. Sorry I couldn't stay longer or say goodbye properly. I'll text when I get home. Love you. x Bella.'
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astorbella Just a quick selfie before hitting the road✌🏼
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username Wish I looked this good
username Okay, I'm gonna say it: HOW DO ARE YOJ THIS DAMN GORGES!?!?
username Where can I get glasses like those but cheaper?
haileybaldwin My love looking lovely as ever!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username You shld become a vlogger & show us your lifestyle. Just saying
username Check out my page for more Arabella Astor updates!!!