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astorbella Just the casual
Liked by yourboyfai, bellahadid, youngtaco, and 829,110 others
View all 47,917 comments username Wish I looked this casual
username Can I know where you get your clothes? Pls
ollyastor Get off dad's car before you leave a scratch on it.
username Love you Bella!!!
username Is Tabitha out of rehab. Much love
username Lmfao @ ollyastor
sammyastor Photo creds to yours truly!
Walking around the garden, I began to think of ways to drop the bomb. Maybe I shouldn't since I was barely five weeks and anything could happen until I hit sixteen or seventeen weeks.
My family was holding a dinner, not so much like a party but a reunion with people that were partnering with the business. It wasn't so fancy, but I knew I had to change once the guest were supposed to arrive.
"Bella!" My mom called from her balcony, already glaring down at me. "Why haven't you changed!?"
I roll my eyes at her, "Has anyone arrived?"
"No!" She yelled back immediately, pacing on her balcony with a hand running through her hair. "But they're about to, so please go change."
Watching her angrily walk back inside, I took one last look at the garden, smiling to myself and putting a hand to my stomach.
My mother raised fairly-good children, I mean, we all had our downfalls, like four out of five aren't in rehab and two out of five already own a piece of the family business.
Regina has been in charged of Astor Empire located in New York for nine solid years, yes she takes her vacations more than once a year, but it always is very needed. Olly has the business in London and has had it for six years, he's the reason as to why we're having this dinner.
Tabitha lost her chances at owning Los Angeles' business for her addiction and Sammy and I are against each other trying to go for the one in Chicago.
But other than that, we weren'tso bad.
"Oh, Bella, you're back." Hearing my dad's voice, I turn to see where it came from and held back a roll of eyes. "When did you arrived?"
"I got here this morning." I say back, standing straight. He kept his eyes down on the filed he had in hand, not needing to look up as he made his way to his office. "How's the business going?"
Walking behind him into his office, he settled back in his chair and nodded. "Good."
"Good." I replied, looking around like I always did. "Who is Olly bringing over?"
"Some partners from England." Without even looking up, he replied. I let out a groan as I sat in a chair, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back. I heard how he scrambled around with papers, "Bella, has your mother seen what you're wearing?"
Opening them again, I nod my head and looked down at my clothes. "Yes. Let me go get changed."
Without any more words, I went up to get changed before my mom had a breakdown. Walking into my room, I almost collapsed on my bed from exhaustion. As much as I slept, I would always be tired the next day.
Slipping off the jeans and white long sleeve I previously wore, I roamed through the clothes I had here. Deciding on a loose, short blue dress with white flowers, I slipped it on and put on some white booties.
Since I had done my makeup and hair already, all I did was spray some perfume. Walking out of my room and to the room straight in front of mine, I lay on the bed as Sammy button his shirt.
"Why are you here?" He asked, standing in front of his mirror. "The guest are about to arrive and you still have to do your hair."
"My hair?" I frown, grabbing a piece of my hair and twirling it in the air above me. "What about it? Isn't it wavy?"
He laughs and shakes his head, "Doesn't seem like it. What are you going to do with the baby?"
That last comment made me sit up, my stomach tightening. Just as I was about to answer, the breakfast that we had at iHop coming back up. I rush towards his bathroom, getting to my knees and beginning to throw up.
Why did this happened to me?
"Do you want an aspirin?" He asked dumbly, patting my back awkwardly as I grabbed toilet paper and cleaned my mouth. Closing the lid and flushing the toilet, I sat on it and put my face on my hands, Sammy's hand rubbing my back awkwardly. "Bella-"
"I don't know, Sammy." I mutter, shaking my head and feeling myself about to break down. Looking up at him, I could see his worried face through the few tears. "I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I don't want to kill my baby."
Kneeling down to eye level, he gave me a small smile and rubbed my shoulders. "Hey, don't forget that you have an amazing older brother like myself. Plus, it's not like we're poor."
Nodding to his words, they somehow made me feel a bit better. I dried up my tears and gargled mouthwash as he slipped his jacket and fixed his hair. "I'm ready. Let's go."
We left his room and began to listen at the loud chatter, this English business partners were cheerful and excited to be here.
"Did I tell you what I found in the pantry this afternoon?" Sammy whispered, as if they were able to hear us over their loud chanter. I shake my head, trying not to overthink everything and have a break down. "Mom ordered a huge box of tea!"
Letting out the first laugh of the evening, I had to hold onto his arm. We laughed our way down the hall, standing around the corner from the staircase just laughing.
"No way!" I wheeze out, leaning against a wall and sighing heavily. "Please tell me she didn't."
"Well, she did." Sammy wiped under his eyes, probably the few tears. "I jokingly told her that they only drink tea, so she ordered that."
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at the stuff he did to our poor mother. "You're awful."
He shrugged, continuing to giggle to himself mischievously. Finally getting to the bottom, I look up and saw the people mingling with drinks in hand-no mugs.
"Sammy," I turn to my brother, making my puppy eyes. "please help me cover anything symptoms up."
He only grinned, "You know I will. Come on now, mom looks like she wants to kill us by the look in her eye."