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- arabella -

While the girls talked about how cute my 'mixed' baby will be and creating an image and fought over who got to hold her first, I was freaking out internally about it all.

Zayn Malik? The one who dated one of my friend's sister? The one who was in so many cheating scandals?

Of course Bella was quiet for a little, smiling and trying to be supportive but I could see it bothering her.

Did it really had to be this Zayn Malik? Can't I have Louis or even Niall?

"I have to go pee." I manage to say, shoving the phone to Fai and running to the nearest bathroom. My head and bladder hurt, one from the overwhelmingness and the other from the pressure of liquids. "Oh, fuck."

In a snap of fingers, I was bend over the toilet throwing up the food I had made for us. Maybe it wasn't just the sickness, but also the fact that I was carrying Zayn freaking Malik's baby.

"You okay in there?" A knock and Fai's muffled voice sounded, "Arabella?"

"Y-Yeah." I say back loudly, trying to keep my shakiness to myself. Once I had flushed the toilet and stood in front of the mirror, I noticed that I was a crying mess. "I'll be out in a-a minute."

Running the water, I covered my mouth and let out sobs to get it all out of my system. Everything was just crashing down right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything, not even find comfort in Regina or Sammy.

How could I let this happen? I should of gotten that stupid shot or a birth control or the after pill!

Trying my best to regain myself, I washed my hands and then rinsed my mouth. I dabbed a paper towel soaked in cold water around my eyes, trying my best to not ruin my makeup. Closing my eyes, I began to chant the phrase my grandmother taught me mentally.

I'm strong. I'm beautiful. I'm smart.

Walking back out when I looked presentable enough and was a bit better, I smile at Fai and followed him to his car. "They said to text them when your next appointment gets near."

"Okay." I whisper back, looking over at the envelope in my lap. "Thanks again, Fai. You really didn't have to do any of this."

He smiled, "I know. I wanted to though. It'll help when I become a dad, y'know?"

"You'll be a great one." I commented, "Trust me."

He turned the music on, clearly getting my message. I did not want to talk. We drove for twenty more minutes, in between those he asked twice if I was hungry, which I declined.

Getting to my building, I gathered myself and turned to Fai, giving his cheek a quick kiss and smiling. "Thank you so much."

"Yep." He nods, waving awkwardly. "See you later. Take care, okay?"

Waving at him, I walk inside and straight to the elevator. With each step that I took, my body grew heavier and heavier.

I have to tell him. I have to say something to him. He needs to know.

The same words echoed around my head, I rushed out of the elevator and to my apartment when it dinged on my floor. Dropping everything on the couch, I distracted myself with cooking. Although I was beyond exhausted, I was hungry.

"Alexa," I call out, "play Die For You by The Weeknd."

Beginning to hear the song, my heart broke and the my vision got blurry. For some odd reason, I could not get enough of that song-it made me both happy and really sad.

Beginning to cry, I also yell out loudly the lyrics. Maybe it made me emotional because it reminded me of Younes and our relationship, even if it was dead. I would do anything for him-anything. I had to change my attitude though, I was going to have a baby now, I couldn't let stupid boys get in my way now.

Taking my waffles off the machine, I set them on a plate and began to cut up some bananas, strawberries and kiwis. As the song was coming to an end, so was my plate.

Setting everything in a tray, I took it up to my room and set it down, grabbing my laptop and stopping Alexa from continuing to play music.

I opened up my gmail and began to write a mail for my manager, Chelsey. I could of easily texted her, but she's rarely ever on her phone. Its always her tablet answering emails and whatnot, but I get it because she also manages Sammy. When I was done explaining that I was in deep shit, I then opened Google docs, immediately typing in my title: PROS/CONS of having a baby daddy!!

- I have a baby daddy
- He will b w/ me @ delivery room
- We can swap nights
- My baby has a daddy

- I'll fall for him
- He'll cheat!!!!!!!
- Our business (our parents)
- The press negativity
- He'll reject my baby
- Blackmail me (???)
- Step moms


astorbella 🍌🍓🥝

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astorbella 🍌🍓🥝

Liked by isabella, sweetboydaniel, and 638,019 others

View all 4,820 comments

username Damn, that looks good😍

username Is it possible to fall in love with a plate of food that isn't even yours?

username This is how extra I wanna be

username Giiiiirl, you should slow down or show snaps of you at the gym!

sammyastor How come you never cook something like this for me?
@ haileybaldwin Aren't you like... two years older than her?
@ sammyastor And Aren't you like... minding your own business?
@ astorbella Stfu, this is a special dinner ok Samuel

username Are you ok? You seem to be eating more than usual

username Y'all shld stop with the negativity & let the girl live her life!!!!

username Sammy roasted the fuuuck outta Hailey💀💀

username IM HAVING YOUR BABY!!! iTS NONE OF yoUR BUSINEss!!! anyone know the reference?

username Special dinner? Is she & Younes back together?

username I thought you were all gluten-free and organic type of girl


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