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- zayn -

Opening the box Arabella has given me, the look on her face making me nervous. Looking down at the contents inside, everything in me wanted to crumble.

"You're pregnant?" I ask, taking the black and white picture, reading the small captions that labeled what I was looking at. "Arabella?"

She had tears rolling down her eyes, her voice small and weak. "Yes."

Letting my eyes travel all around the picture, I could feel my own eyes begin to water. She was creating a life, a human being that was half mine.

Setting the ultrasound picture to a side, I grabbed onto the small stuffed fox under the picture with a note that said: See you in June!

"Zayn?" Her small voice asked, she repeated my name a couple of times. "Zayn?"

Getting up from my seat, the only thing I could do was pull her into a hug. She was going to give me something I've always wanted, certainly not now, but it didn't mattered anymore. I was going to be a dad.

Her body relaxed against mine, all the negative thoughts about being a father fading away.

"I-I'm speechless, Arabella." I say into her hair, pulling her as close as I could to my body without crushing our baby. Standing like that for a moment, I pull away and looked down on her. "Is this real?"

Arabella cried, her tears falling and making her face a bit puffy but giving her a glow at the same time. "It is, Zayn."

Licking my lips and hugging her again, I no longer felt like eating. "How far along?"

"Erm, ten weeks." She says, wiping away the tears and taking a seat. Sitting across, I leaned over for her hand, "I'm having my next ultrasound in three weeks for the gender reveal."

"Don't you want it to be a surprised?" Raising an eyebrow, I ask her. "Wait, that's not even my first question."

Arabella smiled at me, her tears all gone as she set her plate to a side. "Drop them all."

Leaning forwards on the table, I smile at her and begin to ask. "Who knows? When are you going to tell everyone?"

"Um, just my friends and Samuel." She replies, gnawing at her bottom lip. "I was just waiting for you to know. And I guess I'll tell them when I start to show more."

My eyes traveled down to her chest, the v neck made her breasts poke out a bit. Maybe they've grown from the last time.

"Okay." I say slowly, licking my lips, I look out to the horizon, seeing the sun was slowly going down. "We can tell our parents over dinner? I should tell my sisters so they could help me. Are Regina and Olly still in town?"

"No." She replies sadly, "Olly went back to London when your parents left and Regina is in New York."

"Okay." I nod, trying to think of a way we could get our families together. "Um, maybe we could gather them for a Halloween party?"

Arabella let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "No, I don't think that'll work with my family, specially my mom, she'll just skip it altogether. Um, let's go for Thanksgiving?"

"Thanksgiving?" I ask, unsure if my family would like it. My sisters would be mad if they don't know sooner. "Where though?"

"Here!" She exclaims, almost jumping out of her seat in excitement. "I could host it! Just your family and mine-"

"Wait, that won't work. You're going to be showing by then and with the paps and meetings, they'll know."

Frowning at my statements, she huffed and ran a hand through her hair. "You're right. I really don't want them to find out through the paps." She sighs, resting her chin on her hands. "Why don't we find out the gender of our baby first and then tell them. How does that sound?"

Our baby. I really am having a baby with Arabella Astor. I'm really having a baby!

Nodding to her and feeling the pit of my stomach beginning to warm up, I took her hand and gave it a quick kiss. "We can do that."

"Let's look at the sunset now." She whispered, letting out a small laugh with her eyes wide and almost giving me puppy eyes. "Okay?"

I nod, loss for words at her beauty. "Okay."


zayn Z A D D Y

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zayn Z A D D Y

Liked by liampayne, astorbella, inzayn, and 1,927,092 others

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username Zaddy af!!!

username Patiently waiting to bump into him

username How can one be so fckng sexy??

username That profile thoooo

username Peep @ astorbella double tapping

username Who you giving tht love to now?

username How long is he in ChiTown for?

isabella 👀👀👀👀👀

username Everyone leaving thirsty ass comments. Smh

username Where you at @ astorbella ???

username I see you too @ isabella

username Y'all acting as if Zayn didn't cheat on Perrie all those times

username BUTE

haileybaldwin Zaddy indeed

username Stop coming for my mans

username @ gigihadid Have you seen your friends comments? Put a stop to them

username @ justinbieber come get ya girls


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