- arabella -
"Thanks for doing this." I praise Fai, squeezing his hand as I lay on the bed with my stomach twisting. "I owe you a big one, Fai."
He smiled sweetly at me, shaking his head and patting my head. "Remember when you hooked me up with V? We're even now."
The door opened and in walked one of the nurses, she was reading a file. "Ms. Astor?" I nod, "I'm Kelsey, how are you today?"
"I'm good." I smile back, happy that she was actually being nice. I scooted back, my grip on Fai's hand tighter. "Thank you for asking."
"Okay, do we have dad here?" She asked, scribbling down a few things. "Or a friend?"
"Friend." I nodded, smiling up at Fai.
"Oh, good. From the notes that the assistant of Doctor Cohen sent, you were about five weeks when you found out, correct?" Kelsey asked, looking up at me with her hooded brown eyes. My nod made her continue, "And that was about... four weeks ago meaning that you're about nine weeks now."
"Nine weeks!?" Fai exclaimed, his cheeks flustered when we both gave him confusing eyes. "Sorry."
"It's alright. I'm going to start the ultrasound now." With a tight smile, Kelsey says, putting on gloves and typing away on the computer. She grabbed a few stuff, all new, turning to me she motion to my shirt. "Could you pull your shirt up? I'm going to place this here."
Tucking a towel-like on the waist of my pants, she tugged it down a little bit. Her eyes flew up, narrowing and she had a brow raised up. "It's okay."
"Oh my, God." Fai whispered, he came closer to me and gave me a tight smile. "I'm excited."
I let out a small laugh, shaking my head at him. Kelsey muttered a few stuff to herself, then she grabbed onto a bottle. "This is going to be a little cold, okay?"
I nod, flinching when she squirted a little bit in my lower stomach and began to rub on it with the wand. The coldness and the pressure Kelsey was doing made me want to pee, but I was too excited and nervous to even ask for the bathroom.
"Is his heart developed?" Fai asked curiously, his eyes wider than usual and his body leaning forwards. "Wait, can I do a FaceTime call with Hailey? She asked me if I could..."
Kelsey laughed, shaking her head with a smile and looking over at Fai. "Go ahead, as long as they don't interrupt me."
Fai scrambled, he looked like a little kid unwrapping gifts. He plugged in one of his headphones, beginning to FaceTime our beloved Hailey.
Kelsey began the procedure, explaining to me what was going on and pointing at things and also clicking.
"She's got Isa, Bella, and Justine there with her." Fai whispered to me, turning the phone and showing me the four girls struggling to watch the phone. "You want me to record with your phone? Make a little montage like Kylie?"
I smile over at him, nodding at how sweet he was being. I knew Fai was a sweetheart, he was always so caring to everyone-specially his closest friends.
"Here, we can see the baby a bit." Kelsey says, pulling me off the FaceTime call and making me turn to where she was pointing. I saw a little smudge, it kind of looked like a tadpole. "Well, it's more of a fetus than an embryo now."
The smudge was my baby. The smudge will be in my arms in a few months from now. The smudge is living inside of me-the smudge is a part of me.
"Are you ready for the best part?" Kelsey asked, grinning over at me as I nodded quickly. Shifting a bit, I looked over at Fai, he had both phones in hand and a big grin on his face as he recorded. "The heartbeat."
Holding back my excitement, I give her another nod. I had to stop with all the nodding here and use my words, "I'm ready."
Watching her click a few things and putting the wand back in my lower stomach, she hit one more key. My body almost melt, I wanted to scream and dance and eat chocolate covered kiwis.
"Is that the heart?" I whisper, afraid that if I speak louder, I would make the harmonic sound disappear. "Oh my-"
"Is it healthy?" Fai asked, almost screaming it out. "Sorry, again."
The thumping was loud and fast, faster than mine that was for sure.
"It's nothing to worry about." Kelsey reassures, smiling at us and nodding. "Let me print some of these and get your papers updated. You can go ahead and wipe off the gel. I'll be back."
Watching her walk away, I turn to Fai and grinned. He unplugged the headphones and turned the volume up, the four girls all screaming in excitement.
"I can't believe I just heard the heart of a fetus!" Isa gasped, almost crying. "I'm so excited for you, Bella."
"I swear if you don't name her Bella, I will kill you!" Bella yelled, earning a yes from Isa and a groan from Hailey and Justine. "It could be the Bella Foursome!"
"Ew." Justine laughed, her laughter making a chain reaction. Even Fai and I started laughing. "You didn't think that through, did ya, Bells?"
A blushing Bella shook her head, she stood back and let Hailey take her place. "I love you so much for this, Fai. You're the best. You should be doll's baby daddy."
Maybe I will make him my baby daddy.
"Shut up, Hailey." Isa nudged the blonde for me, "We made the man hunt for you, doll."
I raise an eyebrow, leaning in and waiting for the answer. "What is it? Who is it?"
Kelsey walked in, she talked about how my fetus was in such a good position and we could see him/her really good.
"They're one of the best pictures I've gotten. Why haven't you wiped off the gel?" She rambled, handing Fai the pictures and pointing at the gel. I scramble to get it off, setting Fai's phone down as he recorded me with mine. "Any questions? I've set an appointment for you in four weeks from now so that you could see the sex-if you wish to know."
I tried to soak everything in, but she just gave me a tight smile and waved at us. Kelsey was something else.
"We are totally flying in!" Hailey exclaimed, she reminded me that they were still on the call. "Doll? Fai? Are we still connected?"
"She looks shock." Fai mumbles, shaking me and finally connecting my body with my mind. "You okay?"
Smiling at him, I turn to the girls. Getting the phone, I let them argue about who got to tell me the news as we headed out. Fai was too invested on the ultrasound pictures to even listen in.
"There are legit tons of articles. I can't believe we didn't thought of it before!" Isa yells over the others. "Anyways, your baby daddy seems to be-"
In unison, the four yelled it out. "Zayn Malik!"

k i w i
FanfictionIn where Arabella Astor has a one night stand with Zayn Malik and ends up pregnant.