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- arabella -

"I'm pregnant."

Pacing in the living room more aggressively, I ran a hand through my hair and sat down.

"I'm fucking pregnant." I bite my lip, looking over at the light pink positive sign, everything falling down to my vagina. "I can't be."

Isabella took the test, also reading it over and letting out a chuckle. "You are."

"Its not funny!" I exclaim, standing off the couch and pacing in my living room again. It has three hours since Isabella had arrived and one since I took the test, my indecisiveness delaying us taking a look at the answer. "I am so dead. Dad and mom are going to kill me. Penny will choke me. And oh, God, don't even get me started with Regina!"

"Woah, Bella, don't get ahead of yourself! No one will kill you." She finally settles down, patting my shoulder as she went to sit on the couch. "Why don't we go to the doctor to get blood tests done, this could be a broken one."

I am possibly a mother. I am possibly carrying someone's baby. Who's baby am I carrying?

Isabella shook me by the shoulders, snapping me from having a mental breakdown. "I need food, so lets go on a cute dinner date and get your mind off everything. Kay?"

I groan, shaking my head. "No, Isa, I want to bury myself on the ground-"

"With fries and a burger?" She wiggle her eyebrows, laughing when I cracked a smile. Pulling me up to the room where my clothes was, she began to pull out extravagant clothing. "What do you feel like?"

"Like dying." I reply, going down on my knees to open the drawers. I pull out a pair of leggings and a black tank top, putting them on, I went for a leather jacket. "This is the best you'll get."

Isabella pulled out a pair of sparkling boots, wiggling them in the air. "Just top it off."

Rolling my eyes, I put them on and stood back up, doing a little twirl for her. She gave me a thumbs up and ran out, leaving me to follow her slowly.

Passing by a mirror, I almost screamed when I saw myself. I looked horrendous, not even believing that I could be pregnant. If I was, wouldn't I have my pregnant glow?

"Hurry up, Bella!" Yelling from down, I sigh again and hurried up. Isabella was already out the door as I grabbed my purse, "The elevator is gonna close."

Hurrying up, I slide past her and lean against the elevator mirror-walls. Closing my eyes, I closed my ears also from Isabella's rambling about the restaurant options.

The last person I remember having sex with was my ex. It was after I had thrown an Indonesia vase and my aunts precious 'Elvis' plate, all because he had told me about his affair with a receptionist.

If the baby I was carrying was his, then it would be dysfunctional. Our relationship was toxic, way more than toxic.

"Okay, so I guess fries and steak and burgers it is." Isabella finalized her battle, tugging my hand to make me follow her. We went to my car, instantly driving out to the busy streets of the Windy City. "Gosh, I don't know what city is more crowded, this or New York!"

"Okay, first of all," I spoke up, holding a finger up and narrowing my eyes at her. "you don't live in New York City. Second of all, it's almost all tourist."

She waved me off, turning up the music and letting it fill the car. About ten minutes later, we were seated and ready to eat.

"Okay, I'm sorry but I have to say it." She finally says, dropping the menu and looking straight at me. "I want a baby girl."

"Isabella." I groan, giving her a look and making her shrug with a guilty face. "I really don't want to talk about it."

"Come on, Bella. We've been talking baby talk since we met, don't tell me you're not excited!" She says in a hush tone, picking her menu back up. "If it is a girl, what would you name it?"

Sitting back in the booth, I couldn't help but smile. Having my own little baby would be cute, "I don't know. Definitely not 'it'."

"Fine." She says, almost leaning across the table. Her eyes were wide, almost popping out of her head as excitement gushed out of her. "Let's find a nickname. A cute one and also unisex."

Before we could speak any longer, a waiter stopped at our table, bringing us our beverages and finally taking our orders.

"Okay, like what?" I ask, getting into the game. I mean, what's the harm of naming my unborn child? "Don't say: bean, peanut, or anything so overused."

"Shut up." Isabella frowned, sinking on her seat. "I don't know. What have you been craving?"

Shrugging over, I began to think. The only thing I could think of that I had eaten a lot was chocolate, but that was normal.

"If the baby's a boy, I would for sure name him Abel, though." I blurted out smirking, my comment making Isabella burst out laughing. "What? Its in the bible."

"Oh, so now you're religious?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and settling down. Drinking her iced tea knowingly, she finally let the bricks fall. "You can't date The Weeknd, Bella. He's with Bella Hadid, who might I add is a good friend of ours."

Frowning, I put my chin on my hand and lean it against the table. "I know, but it doesn't hurt to dream."

"True." She sighs dreamily, "That's why I'm never giving up on Shawn."

"Mendes?" I raise an eyebrow, laughing when she nodded. "Dude, he was with Hailey."

"So? That dumb bitch let him go." She says back, shaking her head and then smiling to herself. "But she's happy with Bieber now, so that makes me happy."

"Isabella, what am I gonna do if I am pregnant?" I whisper to her, her emotions totally doing a one-sixty. "How am I going to tell Younes that we're having a baby?"

Her face went from sadness to confusion, an eyebrow perked up as she looked at me deep in the eyes. "That baby isn't Younes, Bella."

"What?" I huff, sitting back and furrowing my eyebrows. If anybody knew me any better, it was Isabella-and Regina. "No. It's Younes. We had sex before I kicked him out like seven weeks ago."

"Well, I hope that baby isn't his."


astorbella Whole Lotta Cravings🍟

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astorbella Whole Lotta Cravings🍟

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