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- arabella -

"Oh, there they are!" My dad exclaimed, a smile on his face and a drink on his hand. We stood besides my mom and in front of another family, "Kids, this is Bobby Horan, he is one of the heirs of Horan's Wine Company."

We shook hands with him, "Lovely meeting you two."

"Our pleasure." Sammy replied, smiling charmingly just like he was taught to. "Mr. Horan, I'm Samuel Astor."

"I'm Arabella Astor," I added in, "but I go as Bella."

"This is one of my sons," He said, turning to a guy who looked a little bit like him but younger. "Greg and his wife, Denise, and their little boy, Theo."

I smile down at the dirty blond haired boy, his blue eyes squinting as he smiled back at me. At that moment, my heart shattered with happiness and I felt like crying.

"Bella," Feeling a pinch on my arm, I rub it and turn to my brother, his eyes wide. "no."

When I looked back at where the boy was, I frowned when I noticed he was gone. Two new family in front of us.

"Robin! Geoff!" Dad exclaimed again, the same act he had with Mr. Horan coming back up. He motioned to us and did his introduction all over again, "The youngest are finally here. Samuel and Arabella."

"Robin Twist," The chubbier one shook my hand, his smile warm-like he was giving me a hug. "nice to meet you."

"Likewise, please call me Bella." I smile back, instantly liking this man. Turning to the other one, I shook his hand as well. "Bella Astor, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, love." He says with the same smile, "I'm Geoff Payne."

"Kids, this is Geoff's children, Ruth, Nicola, and Liam." My dad says, pushing us a bit forward to shake their hands. "And Robin's step-children, Gemma and Harry Styles."

After shaking hands with Ruth and Nicola and their family, I was finally in front of Liam Payne. I had heard so much about him through Isabella-she was kind of obsess with him.

"Lovely to finally meet you, Miss Astor." He says, his voice soothing. "I'm Liam."

"Likewise, Liam." I smile back, trying not to seem flirty. I held back a gasp as he pulled my hand up to his lips, he left a tender kiss on the back of it. "How are you finding The Windy City to be?"

"Very lovely." He grins, "They have some very nice clubs."

Nodding back, a girl with blonde hair and a dimpled smile patted Liam's shoulder a little too harsh. "Oi, Liam, your dad's asking for you."

Watching him leave us, she lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. I take a good look at her, she's pretty.

"Thought I'd help you out of his awkward attempt of flirting." She says bringing the cup of champagne to her lips, "I'm Gemma, by the way."

"Thanks." I reply and shake her hand, "Bella."

She cracks another smile, "I know. My brother and his friends are obsess with you and your sisters."

"Not true." A handsome male version of her appears behind me, his smile similar to hers, dimples and all. He does the same thing Liam did, take my handshake for a kiss on the hand. "I'm Harry Styles and we just think you guys are pretty-"

"Hot." Gemma adds, laughing when her brother turns red and I join her laughter. Not only were they pretty but also down-to-Earth. "So, Bella, are you going to take over the business here or L.A?"

"Don't know yet." I say, biting my lip and looking over at Sammy talking with Harry.

Before we could talk any further, mom announced that the dinner was done and we all walked to the backyard where mom had people set up various tables. I looked for my name, noticing that I was seated with Sammy and the Styles kids and Liam.

"Have you told mom about the tea?" I whisper to Sammy as we sat, "It will embarrass us as well, Samuel."

"Chill, Bella." He whispered back, chuckling and nodding his head. We sat up to look at the other people who sat with us, all of them clearly knowing each other. "I told her. I feel like an outsider."

I agreed quietly, smiling at Gemma as she took a seat besides me. I turn back to Sammy when she turned to her brother, "I wonder why mom would place us here."

"Clearly for business reasons." Sammy says back, rolling his eyes. We all quiet down up when dad stood up to do his speech, he basically said thanks to everyone for coming and congratulated Olly for his success. "Pft, that idiot barely did anything."

Nudging Sammy, I glared at him. "Like you would know, Sammy."

He narrowed his eyes at me and we quiet back down again, a new set of eyes on us-Regina. The speech continued for three more minutes, everyone clapped and waiters and waitresses came out with trays.

"Guys, have you meet Samuel and Arabella Astor?" Gemma announced, making everyone turn to us. "Astor's, those are Niall Horan and Lottie and Louis Tomlinson."

I look over Sammy's body to greet the blonde one, "Hello, Bella Astor."

"Niall." He beams back, his smile cute and contagious. "I've heard a lot about you."

Sammy raised an eyebrow, leaning forward a bit to create a barrier between us. "You have?"

The Louis kid laughed loudly and in a mocking manner, he set his drink down and looked at us, almost intimidating me. "You've got to live under a rock to not know who the hell the Astor family is."

"Louis!" His sister snapped at him, Lottie I think her name was. She turned to us, pushing off a strand of her light pink hair. "Don't mind him, he's an idiot."

"Oh, shut it." Louis rolled his eyes, "Bella, we've met at the club a few-"

"Oi, I've heard you and your dad brought wine, Niall?" Liam interrupted the boy, all the boys-except for Sammy-glared at Louis. The brunette who saved his friend's ass gave a look at the clueless blonde, "I can't wait to get a taste, eh, Niall?"

I furrow my eyebrows. At the club? Last time I went to one was when all my girls were in town.

"Bella," Sammy leaned in to whisper while the rest made awkward conversation, "you're thinking what I'm thinking?"

I shake my head, "What is it?"

"That... Louis could be your baby daddy."


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