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bellaastor We're ready for our vacation

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bellaastor We're ready for our vacation

Liked by taylor_hill, sammyastor, zayn, and 2,937,317 others

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username Omg the belly!!!!!

username Wasn't she in london on vacation? I'm confused

username We love a good mom taking time off

username I wonder what name they're gonna name Kiwi

kyliejenner That bump😍😍😍😍

username Wish I could take vacations whenever I wanted

username If Harry isn't the godfather, I am out

username Imagine just getting up and flying to another country

username same Kylie

sammyastor A vacation? To where?
bellaastor To an island called: Mind Your Business

username We want pics or the vacation doesnt exist

username We love a hardworking mom

username Give us Daddy Zayn content


Pulling the black t-shirt down, I put the rest of the lotion on my hands. So far there were just one stretch mark, which my mom freaked out about it and almost sent me to get laser treatment. Thank God to Regina that knocked sense into her.

Getting out of the freakishly small bathroom, I walked my way to my seat, passing by a snoring Louis and a laughing Niall.

"Get some sleep, doll." Zayn mumbles sleepily as he continues to read paperwork. Setting the papers down, he turned to me and smiled. "Aren't you tired?"

I shook my head, "No." Taking the papers from him, I look over them. I've seen papers similar to these being used over at my family's company, there were a few differences—maybe I could help fill them out. "But you are, so sleep. I can help with the papers."

"No." He shakes his head, taking them back and continuing to scribble down on them. Watching him continue to work, he sighs and sets the papers down. "Get some sleep, doll. I'm almost done anyway."

Shaking my head at him, I get up from the seat, stretching again and taking the hoodie I had with me. "I'm going to talk with Niall and Liam, they seem to be having fun."

Zayn chuckled at me, taking my hand and giving it a kiss. "You know I love you, right?"

I could feel my cheeks burning up, his words making my heart pick up a beat. Feeling the baby move, I lay a hand on where I felt her and nodded. "Me too."

Going to where the laughing boys were, I took a seat next to Harry and across from Niall, Liam diagonal from me.

"How's the baby?" Harry asked sitting up, I let him lay a hand down on the belly, watching in amazement as he felt the baby kick. "Holy shit, she's moving!"

Niall jumped up and lay a hand under Harry's, Liam coming as well and putting his hand beneath Niall's.

"Does it feel weird?" Niall whispered, eyes on his hands. "Wait, can she hear us?"

I nodded, taking the chips from Harry and beginning to eat them. The three boys leaned into the belly, all whispering their conversation and giggling instead of laughing.

I lay my head against Harry's shoulder, feeling sleepy all of a sudden. Niall looked up at me, an eyebrow raised, "Any names?"

I shook my head, seeing them all go back to their seats, Harry's hand still on my tummy. Liam pushed Niall a bit, "Don't even try to push names to her."

"What?" Niall gasped, letting out a small laugh and shaking his head. "I think it'll be great if they name her Niall."

"She's not naming her Niall, Niall." Harry shakes his head, laughing with Liam as I shrug back at the blonde. "But please do not name her something..."

"Ugly!" Niall says back, shaking his head while wagging his finger side to side. "Or basic."

"I think you should name her Bella." Liam speaks, "Like you."

"Theres already too many Bella's in my friend group." I frown, shaking my head. "Zayn has a whole list of names, but he doesn't want to tell me them."

Finally taking his hand off my belly, Harry sits up. "Why?"

"I don't know." I shrug, putting my feet up and sitting criss cross on the seat. "But I want to wait until she's born to see what name comes into mind, y'know?"

With a mouthful of chips, Niall leans in a bit to ask, "So she'll be nameless until she's born?"

I knew I couldn't hide my emotions now, I felt how my lips tugged down into a frown. Liam pushes Niall again, "Niall!"

"Well," Harry says, his hand patting my arm to comfort me somehow. "She does have Kiwi, right?"

I nod back, Liam agreeing and sending me a small smile. Niall looked over at me, shrugging his shoulders and apologizing quietly.

Before anybody could say something else, Zayn stood in front of us, one hand on my shoulder. "Doll, you want to head back? I'm done with the papers."

"I told you I could of filled them out for you, Zayn." Liam tells him, scoffing a bit. "I finished mine in half an hour."

Zayn rolled his eyes and pulled me up, beginning to walk away from the group while shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I laugh with the other boys, sitting back in my seat and bringing my legs up. "We should get some sleep."

"You tired?" Zayn asks, taking a hand and giving it a kiss. I hum, taking his face and kissing his lips. "Okay. Do you want to go lay on the bed in the back?"

"No one is gonna use the bed?" I ask, afraid to take someone's bed without asking. When he shook his head, I nodded and followed him back, sighing in relief at the soft bed. "Wake me up if you wake up before me, okay?"

He slid in behind her, instantly pulling out bodies close. "Mmkay."

Closing my eyes and listening to his soft breathing, I smile and held his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too."


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