Getting over you.

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"I'm sorry." I hear him say as I lift my face up to meet his.
I could feel my heart beats faster against my chest.
New tears started to well up on my eyes again. I couldn't stop them. I didn't want to. Is that all? A sorry?
I stare at him blankly. Waiting for him to say something. Anything. Just not end it with a sorry.

Something about his expression changed. But my vision was way too blurred to blink and look at him.
I just want him to speak. To explain.

"I'm really sorry. It's just that, I couldn't- couldn't help it. E-everything just happened so fast and I was stressed, I didn't think straight." His voice cracked.

"For how long?" I say completely heartbroken and insecure.
He looks at me shocked.
"What? NO! I mean it only happened today. I never cheated on you. I really liked you, but I just got caught up in the moment." He said shocked.
"Liked me?" I say as I narrow my eyes and set the tears lingering in my eyes for a while free.

"I still do! You're a very nice person. You're sweet and outgoing. You're amazing. It's just that, I don't think I can keep holding onto you and hurt you like this. I only had a crush on you and I didn't think you'd complement my feelings so quickly. I'm sorry."
Shit. I really liked him but he only had a crush on me.
I couldn't look at him. It made me feel awful and stupid.
"Thankyou." I say as I stand up.
"Huh?" He asks confused as he looks up to me.
"Thankyou for giving me a chance. And Thankyou for opening up." I say as I turn around to leave to see Jinyoung standing right infront of me. I bow to him and keep walking forward.
Surprising, I stop crying, I stop running. I just walk without a single thought in my mind.

I will get over you.

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