Chapter 2

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Phil quickly ran his black strands of hair through the straighteners. He had, of course, slept through the alarm, being yanked awake by Becky and Jess at 8:30. They giggled as he misjudged the bed width and fell on the floor when he meant to roll away from their prods.

He made some toast to eat on the way there and quickly kissed his parents goodbye, running through the directions to school in his head.

Turn left at the end, then right, left again and then there's the terrifying form of Birkeley's.

His breath was shaky and sped-up, his hands were slightly sweaty and he was so, so, fucking scared as he walked through the gates and into the big courtyard where all the students hung out before school.

He looked around for someone who might be able to help him locate his classroom.

His eyes landed on the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. He had straightened brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with a circle on it and black skinny jeans. He had pierced ears and dimples that were clearly showing as one hand gestured and the other-


The other arm was draped around the shoulders of a pretty blonde girl with pink at the edges of her hair. She was laughing as the boy talked animatedly, and then he paused to-

He paused to tilt the girl's chin up and kiss her softly.

Phil felt his heart sink a bit lower than it already had that morning.

He continued scanning the crowd, for someone who looked approachable, and eventually he saw a group of boys, one with an excellent pastel quiff and glasses and his arm snaked around a brown-haired boys waist. Phil decided they seemed nice and non-judgey.

He anxiously went over, and when they noticed the shy black-haired boy hovering near them they seemed a little shocked but smiled quickly. The boy with a wide cheeky smile and brown hair spoke first.

"You alright, lad?" He said in an appealing northern accent. Phil smiled hesitantly as he felt his breathing tighten. He fucking hated talking to new people.

"Uh, yeah, hi. I'm, um, new and I was wondering if you could help me find my classroom?"

Phil blushed and stared at his feet. The northern boy smiled.

"Hey, of course. What's your name, lass?"

The curly-haired Mediterranean-looking boy next to him slapped his arm and chuckled slightly. Phil blushed harder and started scratching furiously at his skin.

"I'm Phil," he said quietly.

The boy next to pastel-hair grinned and said "I'm Troye. This is Tyler."

Tyler grinned. "We're purely platonic," he giggled before meeting Troye's lips with his own. Phil just blushed and tried not to laugh.

The northern boy grinned too. "I'm Chris, this is PJ. He thinks we're purely platonic, but" he winked at Phil "that wasn't what he was saying last night if I'm correct,"

PJ laughed. "Keep dreaming, Chris," he said before kissing him on the cheek.

"So, what lesson do you have first?" Troye asked, linking hands with Tyler.

"Art, I think. And then I've got English."

"Ding ding bitch, me and Dan have got art too," Grinned Chris. "I'm completely shit at it though. Oh, and Luke and Emma have English with you. You'll like them, they're fucking crazy."

He pointed at the beautiful boy Phil had seen earlier. "That's Dan. He's a bit of a work of art himself," another wink followed this statement, along with PJ giggling. "Total asshat though. Don't know why me and Peej stick with him," he added, nuzzling PJ's nose.

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