Chapter 5

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Phil couldn't sleep on Saturday night.

All he wanted to do was talk to Dan.

He wanted to talk to someone who never wanted to talk to him.

Urgh. Crushing sucks.

He eventually decided to call Chris. It was only half eleven, with any luck he'd be awake.

After a few rings an irritated sounding Chris picked up.


"Hey Chris, I'm-" Phil could hear someone moving around through the line. Two people. Probably in bed. Shit.

"Never mind," Phil said with a hearty laugh. "Have fun with PJ,"

He disconnected to the sound of Chris's laughter.

He lay, tossing and turning, for another few minutes. It was too much. No way would he be able to sleep without talking to someone.

Then he remembered. Louise and Zoe's Eleven marathon!

Phil knew how Doctor Who marathons worked. You started with an aim of watching one season, or one doctor. When you finish it, you start another doctor. And if you watch the Doomsday episode, you cry like fuck. And then you rant about feels and skipping Nine for a bit and watch some more and cry again.

There was no doubt that Louise was still awake, and she had given Phil her number earlier.

Louise picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, Phil!" There was evidence of tears in her voice. Doomsday episode for sure.

"Doctor Who feels got you again?"

"Oh god. Don't even,"

"So have you convinced Zoe that Ten is supreme in the sexy-stakes then?"

"Oh, Phil, I tried... but some people never see the light,"

Phil giggled slightly. He really liked Louise.

"So Phil, why did you call?"

"Couldn't sleep. I've got something on my mind," Phil sighed at the thought of Dan. He should've kept his mouth shut, he realised, because Louise would want to know, and fuck, he was here talking to Dan's fucking girlfriend. Urgh.

"What is it? Come on Phil, you know you can tell me anything," Louise's tone wasn't quite worried, but it was nearly there.

"Well, I'm crushing on someone and they'll never like me back. That's all. Happens all the time,"

Louise's voice turned eager. "Ooh, who is it? Do I know them? I'm sure they could like you back, Phil, you never know,"

Phil felt like laughing at the cruel ridiculousness of it.

"It doesn't matter, Louise. It's fine. I should go," he giggled.

"Pleeeeaase Phil. I promise I won't laugh. Pleeeeaaase tell me,"

Phil took a deep breath. Come on, he told himself, it was Louise he was talking to. Louise wouldn't judge him. What's the worst that could happen?

"It's Dan,"

The line crackled for a few seconds. Then Louise hung up.


Phil walked through the forest quietly. The sun was setting over the trees, brushing his face with streaks of gold.

He found a clearing. There were leaves scattered across the forest floor, partially hidden by a picnic blanket.

Lying on the picnic blanket, eyes closed and smiling as the sun washed on his tanned skin, was Dan.

Phil's heart leaped at the sight of him. He had never looked more beautiful, and Phil knew that he belonged here. Lying in the copper-burning sun, next to Dan.

Phil sat down on the picnic blanket and Dan opened one eye. He smiled his full-dimple smile.


And then time skipped forward a bit and next thing Phil knew his lips were pressed against Dan's and he was lost in a tunnel of happiness. Everything was perfect.

Phil woke up and immediately started crying.

He wanted Dan. He wanted sweet, funny Dan. He felt so alone.

After sniffling for a bit Phil picked up his phone. 9:34. Three new messages. Wow.

From: Chris

Sorry about last night ;) want to go into town with me and Peej later?

Phil smiled.

From: Louise

Sorry about hanging up. I'm not going to judge you, but I don't think it's a good idea. Sorry x

Phil's stomach twisted and he felt sick.

From: Dan

Please don't contact me anymore. Sorry, but it's for the best. Dan

Phil's breath hitched. He froze. No. This couldn't be real. Dan wouldn't do that. He felt tears again. An animalistic sound rising in his throat. He wanted to scream, and hit something, and cry.

It was all Phil's fucking fault. He shouldn't have told Louise, shouldn't have held onto the naive and stupid hope of Dan actually giving him a chance. What a fucking idiot Phil had been.

He was breathing incredibly fast to try and hold back screams as he replied to Chris.

To: Chris

Sounds good. Is Dan coming?

He wanted to burst into frustrated and dramatic tears.

From: Chris

Don't think so :(

Phil nearly laughed in relief.

To: Chris

Okay :) see you in an hour?

Phil got changed and straightened his hair, trying not to burn his fingers. None of it seemed real. He was in a haze of the dull ache of pain.

Chris and PJ would surely make him feel better, he thought.

He grabbed his keys, kissed his parents goodbye and headed for town.


Hey guys!!! I don't normally do ANs BUTTT

This has 29 reads and 4 votes!!! Thanks you so much to everyone who is reading this shit :')

Also I'm sorry this chapter was bad, the second half was kind of a filler I guess. I'm not very happy with it but I have a really kawaii idea for next chapter.

Which reminds me, have you seen pewdiepie's catacombs challenge?? Creepy crepes.

I love you all, adios

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