Chapter 7

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The weather turned colder. The days turned shorter. The nights turned darker.

I TURNED UP. (Sorry)

Winter had a full hold on Britain.

Phil buttoned up his coat and pulled on some gloves. He was going shopping with Luke, Chris and PJ for New Year's presents. Luke was hosting a party, just for the small group that Phil hung out with and a few more.

He stepped into the bitter cold air and hurried down frosty roads until he was by the monument where he usually met Chris and PJ.

He saw them from about a hundred metres off, tripping and giggling in the snow, shoving each other only to come back and kiss. If it was any other couple, Phil would've been ready to stab them. But it was Chris and PJ, and Phil thought they were the cutest thing ever.

They ran up to him and pulled him into a life-threatening hug.

"Hi guys," Phil's greeting was muffled by Chris and PJ tackling him to the ground. They all started giggling uncontrollably.

"Stop it, people will think we're having an orgy," Phil said between laughing.

Chris got up and extended his hand to PJ. "Well that's some kinky shit Phil,"

Phil laughed. "Thanks for helping me up, Prince Charming."

"You're welcome,"

"Hey guys!" A voice came from behind. Phil turned and saw Luke, with a guy who had turquoise candyfloss for hair. Phil had never seen anything so majestic.

"This is Jason, he's coming to the party,"

"This might not be the thing to say, but I love your hair," Phil blushed.

"Thanks. I was inspired by marshmallows,"


Phil's stomach was churning madly as he straightened his hair.

Only an hour til the New Year's party. Only an hour til being in the same household as Dan for at least four hours...

He quickly buttoned up his shirt and took a few deep breaths.

Stop being so fucking stupid, he whispered. Dan won't even talk to you. You have nothing to worry about.

Phil put on a scarf, hat and woolly gloves. He had to walk to Chris's (they were getting the bus to Luke's together) and it was freezing at 7:30.

The night was perfect. A clear, starry sky and a crisp breeze. The streets were completely empty. It was one of those nights were you feel totally alone in the world, apart from the moon and stars. Phil loved these nights.

He was shivering when he knocked on Chris's door.

Chris opened it, wearing a red cable-knit jumper that a rip on the left side of his chest. Sticking out of the rip was a red rose.

Chris pointed at it and grinned. "For my princess. He agreed to wear a tiara."

"As if PJ agreed to that," Phil said with a giggle. "Haven't you got a scarf? You'll freeze,"

"My inner demon keeps me warm by burning my sanity,"

"Well that explains a lot,"

They walked in companionable silence to the bus stop. They chatted a bit on the bus and Phil got more and more scared, more reserved. He started chewing on his fingernails.

"What's up, Phil?" Chris leaned in slightly. "Is it... because Dan will be there?"

Phil nodded, hiding his face in his hands.

Chris took them away gently. "I thought you were over him? I don't want to be mean, Phil, but you can't expect him to lose contact with all his friends. No-one else knows about what happened between you two."

Phil nodded again. "I know."


There were loud bass sounds emanating from Luke's house. He saw Jason stagger out onto the porch and wave at them, giggling and grinning. Phil smiled back. He liked happy drunks.

"Guuys! Come inside! There's drinks!"

"Obviously," Chris whispered and Phil chuckled. He was going to get absolutely hammered in the hope that he wouldn't seize up with panic.

PJ stepped out next to Jason. "Chris!"

What happened next was like something out of a film. PJ ran down the steps and into Chris's arms, before snogging his face of. Phil noticed a pink plastic tiara balanced precariously on his curls.

He smiled, stepped around them and went over to Jason.


"Hey Phil!! Do you want a drink?"

"Yeah, make it strong, would you?" Phil said, relieved to be in Jason's company.

Jason giggled and retuned to the house, Phil following him.

He saw familiar faces, and several he didn't recognise, but Phil didn't really care. They were all quite drunk, but it wasn't a rowdy party. They could all fit comfortably in one room.

At 11:59pm that's what they were all doing, sitting in the living room with popcorn and vodka, watching Frozen with saucer-wide eyes. Phil had Jason on one side and a boy called Patty on the other. Suddenly Jason sprung up, his marshmallow hair shaking.

"Guuys!! It's nearly midnight!"

Luke stood up as well, dragging Emma with him. "He's right!! COUNTDOWN!"

They all got to their feet and started shouting numbers.




"Happy new year!"

Phil looked around. He saw Tyler and Troye collapsed on the ground, kissing. He saw Chris and PJ, giggling into each other's mouths. He saw Emma and Luke hugging and laughing, drinks in hand. He saw Zoe and Alfie, Jim and Tanya, even Jason and Patty were hugging.

And then his heart broke as he saw what he had been dreading all evening.

Dan kissing Louise.

And suddenly he was caught up with Luke dragging everyone into a spinning circle, laughing and dancing and singing Auld Lang Syne. He looked to his left and saw Dan, his hand grabbing Phil's, both dimples showing, and it was like there was nothing in the world except them in this madly spinning circle of drunk teenagers at the very beginning of a new year.

And even though Phil's heart was shattering, he was the happiest he had ever been.

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