Chapter 4

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Phil returned home feeling light and happy. They hadn't played much sonic, just giggled and made innuendo jokes and tried not to watch Chris and Pj's heavy make-out session.

Phil gave them all his number, and received a text on the walk home.

From: Dan

Um this will sound really weird but

Phil's heart skipped. Was this really what he was waiting for?

I kinda want to be a special fx makeup artist when I'm older, and I've got a camera and some fx makeup so

Apparently not.

Would you maybe let me practise it on you? Just to build up a portfolio. Like just take some pictures and stuff. You don't have to don't worry :)

Phil was ecstatic. Of course he fucking wanted to.

He giddily typed a reply.

To: Dan

Sounds awesome. When do you want to do it?

That didn't sound desperate, did it? Oh fuck. Phil didn't know this whole social interaction thing was so stressful.

From: Dan

How about Saturday at 10? Is it okay if we do it at yours?

Phil frowned. That's kind of weird, he thought. But he wasn't about to pass up seeing Dan just because he didn't want to do it at his own house. It was probably just messy or something.

To: Dan

That's fine. I'll give you my address :)


Phil was ridiculously excited when Saturday rolled around.

He had spent the whole previous week talking to Dan, staring at Dan, thinking about Dan. It was getting annoying.

Phil practically jumped out of his skin when he heard a knock at the door. He raced downstairs, heart thundering, and stopped at the bottom for a few seconds so as not to seem desperate.

He opened the door, grinning widely, to see two people standing on his doorstep.

An unbelievably gorgeous boy with wavy brown hair.

And a blonde girl with his arm draped on her shoulder.

Phil's heart froze momentarily. His smile seemed stiff, stupid, fake.

Of course Dan didn't want to spend time alone with him.

Nobody wants to spend time alone with a gay boy.

Phil felt tears threatening the back of his eyes. He coughed slightly and backed into the hall so they could enter.

"Um, hey." His voice sounded subdued and wavery.

"Hi, Phil. Thanks so much for agreeing to do this, by the way. Mind if I set up?"

Dan seemed so careless. So easy-going. So unaware of how heart-broken and angry he was making Phil.

"Sure. Go ahead," Phil's voice had a slight spike in it.

"You okay, Phil?" Louise asked.

"Fine," he spat.

"If you don't want to do it, it's okay, Phil," Dan said, concerned.

Phil rolled his eyes and walked into the living room. "You can set up here. Do you want hot chocolate?" His question was aggressive.

"Um, yes please," Dan said, looking like a schoolboy being invited to a biscuit by his headmaster. Louise just nodded.

After Dan had set up his camera and unpacked various tubes and pots, Phil had calmed down a bit. It was soothing, watching Dan's hands adjust something on the tripod, or check a switch on his camera.

Phil realised he was being immature and naive, thinking that Dan actually wanted to spend time with him. Of course he didn't. And that was sort of okay, because at least they talked in art.


"Phil, these photos are amazing!"

Dan's voice was awed and happy. It was clear that he was passionate about this.

Dan, Phil and Louise were sitting around Phil's kitchen table, reviewing the photos.

"I really like this one. You look like a lion!" Louise giggled.

Phil blushed and grinned. Over the past hour, Louise had always been funny and kind, and had always told Dan off when he was getting too bossy or frustrated. And though these telling-offs mostly involved kissing, Phil sill really liked her.

Louise checked her phone and gasped.

"Shit! I forgot, I've got a doctor's appointment."

She began to get up before Dan put a hand on her arm.

"Sure you do. Trouble with the screwdriver?"

Louise laughed. "Oh, you know me too well. I promised Zoe I'd do an Eleven marathon with her," she paused to roll her eyes "but Ten is way sexier."

"Finally, someone who understands!" Phil cried out. "I told Chris, and he he said that Eleven is sexier because he looks like PJ, which he doesn't, if anything Luke looks like Eleven," Phil stopped for breath and Dan laughed.

"Well, see you, honey. Have a good Eleven marathon,"

"Bye guys!"

Phil heard the front door shut behind Louise and sighed. It was going to be butt-hurt awkward now.

"Have we got enough photos for today?" Phil asked cautiously. It would be wise just to stay on topic.

"Um, I think so. Thanks again."

"No problem. Want to order pizza?"

Dan's face lit up. "Sure!"

"I'm gonna get a Hawaiian. What about you?"

"Just pepperoni,"

"Dan, you are officially the most boring thing that exists," Phil stuck out his tongue.

"And you are the most amazing one," Dan said with a laugh.

Phil's heart did the flippy-over thing.

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