They Realize Their Feelings

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I was doing my paperwork when I heard Y/n knock. I could tell it was her because she was the only one who would knock like that. I told her to come in and she looked happy. 'It's my imagination' I think shaking my head "I have your tea master!" She smiled causing me to blush. I had to look away and hope she didn't see anything. 'Why does she have to call me that' I think changing the topic "I told you, you don't have to knock" I said taking a sip of tea to calm me down. "Yeah but it would be unprofessional if I just walked in." She shrugged coming over to stand next to me. 'Why is it she makes me feel this way' I stared at her face trying to figure out what made her special. "You're different," I accidentally mumbled. "In a good way I hope," she laughed as I tried to figure out how to save myself. "In a good way you're coming in here with purpose the others think they can waltz in whenever." I muttered watching her grab the cups and leave. 'I like her'

I was with Y/N in the leaf's Dango shop since we just got back on a tough mission. We were chatting happily when she saw a guy walking in "oh god," she mumbled putting her head down. 'Who is he' I thought glaring unknowingly to the guy. Weirded out by my actions I looked at Y/N for an explanation. 'Why am I acting weirdly it's really not my business' I thought becoming irritated at myself "Y/N what's up?" I mumbled cutely stuffing another dango in my mouth. 'She seems to know him and it's pissing me off' she blushed and my curiosity sparked. 'I hope it's not her boyfriend,' "Ahem," I coughed blushing at my thoughts. "Sorry, it's just my boyfriend-" She tried explaining when I cut her off. "Come on let's go," I said giving my straw hat to her 'it is her boyfriend' I thought glaring I grabbed her wrist escorting her out of the shop 'I don't know whats worse her having a boyfriend or liking her...I like her' I think feeling my chest clench tightly.

Y/N challenged me to a duel because we had been arguing on which sword was better. The fight was Samehada vs Hari no Hari, she motioned me over "come get it," Y/N smirked. I blushed a bit 'why does she have to be so sexy' I thought running towards her to shake my thoughts the swords clashed and I was a bit distracted. 'I can't strike her it feels wrong' she didn't take the opening instead jumping back 'I like a chase' I think smirking walking towards her. The sword was acting up when I came closer she was slowly backing up 'what is this feeling I can't shake it' Y/N couldn't back up anymore since a tree blocked her. "Looks like you can't run away" Kisame I flirted 'now what am I doing what's going on?' I think face palming mentally. She blushed making me shiver. 'Usually, I don't like these things, but I guess I have a crush' I backed up smirking then I remembered I won "looks like my Samehada wins" I smiled.

Y/N was in my room watching me make my puppets 'she'd make an exquisite puppet'. I looked back at her and saw that she was staring intently I almost asked her why she was staring, but I remember about an emotion I read. 'She might be embarrassed if I ask' I think going back to work on my puppets. I had read up on emotions since I met Y/N she intrigued me more then any human I've met. Suddenly I heard her moving I looked back to see her burying her head in one of my pillows 'she's so weird what is she thinking' I thought watching her get up. "Where are you going?" I questioned frowning 'I did not want her to leave' she turned to me sharply which even creeped me out a tad. "Umm I-I was-" she stuttered her face turning red. 'I'm getting impatiently is she ok' I thought coming close to her face. I found myself wanting to get closer so I distanced myself. "Are you sick or something?" I asked clicking my tongue in annoyance. "Yeah I-i am I'm just gonna go now I don't want to get you sick" she said slipping out of the room. 'You Baka I can't get sick whatever that is, I wanted her to stay with me ' I pouted getting out my book of emotions flipping through the pages for my symptoms. 'So this is what love is?' I ask putting a hand over where my heart should be.

I was looking for my clay which went missing for some reason when I stumbled across y/n. She was sitting cross crossed apple sauce sticking her tongue out cutely in concentration. 'Cute, her..maybe' I think walking over to her. "It's not working!" She yelled squashing the whole thing in frustration. 'I bet I could get it to work' I thought blushing gathering up the courage. "What's not working un?" I asked trying a little too hard 'What am I doing un.' "This," she said holding out a lump of clay 'is that mine.' I reached out to touch the clay accidentally touching her fingers. I felt sparks, brushing it off I helped her mold the clay. I watched as a smile blossomed on her face. "There un!" I smiled  'I wanna make her smile all the time...I'm in love!'

Y/N was praying in the living room, but I needed her for a mission. "Why don't you ask her when she's done?" Kakuzu sighed I smirked rolling my eyes "I don't give a shit she fucking praying I need her right fucking now!" I said walking up to her "Hey-" I started immediately cut off "shush" she said. 'You fucking bitch' I think saying it again four times. She was finally done when she hugged at me in annoyance "what in the name of Kami do you want?" She prayed silently I could tell because she always squeezes her eyes tightly. I was about to cuss her out for ignoring me when Kakuzu covered my mouth. 'Greedy fucking bastard, bitch needs to know I don't fucking like when she ignores me.' I think shaking my head 'I don't like it when anyone ignores me' I corrected I picked Y/N bridal style because she couldn't keep up. She was looking at me not even trying to hide it 'is there still blood on my face from this mornings sacrifice?' I thought she continued to look with a blush on her face. "I know I'm hot, but we're here" I smirked she scoffed as I set her down. 'Come to think of it Y/N is pretty sexy for a priestess I mean' she took one look around then held out her hand "give me a kunai, no questions" she said seriously. 'Does she even know how to use one should I even ask' I thought handing it over she walked into the open field and a little boy ran over to her. I was watching curiously when she stabbed him 'priestess has a bad side!' I think getting a little attracted. She came back covered in blood and my eyes widened 'gosh when did she get so damn sexy' I thought starting my prayer 'I've fucking sinned Jashin-sama I have to have her'

I asked Y/N to accompany me on a bounty because I needed her to seduce a mobster. I chose her instead of Konan because no one could even tell Konan was a girl I'm not taking a chance. 'Y/N is pretty hot too, she'll perform nicely' I thought realizing how creepy I sounded. 'I mean she's more than just pretty hot she's a very attractive woman' I thought trying to justify it. When we got to the bounty shack she wanted to wait outside 'did I do it's her she's just being weird'. I was getting information on the bounty and I looked out to check on Y/N I saw a drunken man walk up to her. 'He better hope he's not hitting on her or i'll..I won't care' I thought, trying to not look, but I couldn't he tried grabbing her and I almost went out there. Y/N placed him in a headlock I smirked in amusement 'that's right she doesn't like you...damn it I like her' I groaned.

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