First Kiss

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Although you and Pein were dating know he didn't want to show any PDA. It was a work environment and he didn't want the others getting the wrong idea. "Master~" You cooed in his ear feeling him shiver. "No Y/n, it's unprofessional" he said looking back at you with a small glare. "It's after work hours" you huffed watching him think it over. You were about to give up when you felt his lips crush against yours. It was electric and he didn't leave any part of your mouth untouched. You were disappointed when it was over because he just left you wanting more. "Now go to bed it's getting late."

You had been distancing yourself from Itachi so you wouldn't tell him. You got him a little house in the woods...well you built him a house in the woods. Sasuke helped and today was the day you would tell him. "Otōto! Aren't you so happy?" You squealed as you led Itachi into another tree. "Hn," he said still unhappy that you had forced him to help you. "Don't hn me Otōto," you said turning on your byakuguan he shivered nodding his head. "We're here!" You chirped taking off his blindfold. "Huh? Who's house is this?" He asked turning towards you, nervous you bit your lip. "Ours...all of ours" you said looking at Sasuke too "like it?" You asked shrugging your shoulders. He pulled you into a hug "I love it," he whispered pulling away "I could kiss you!" You blushed leaning in closer. "Go ahead" you said closing the space between you unfortunately you forgot Sasuke was there.

"Oi! Sharky come here!" You said barging into his room. You set Hari no Hari down and sat down on his bed. "Look at what I got on my last mission" you put a stuffed shark plush in his face. "It's a long story, but it started out with an eating competition and I-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. He pulled away and gave a toothy smile. "And I didn't win so I was sad, but then I saw this and it reminded me of you." You finished kissing him again this time with more passion. "Let me guess then you thought he'll definitely kiss me after I give it to him" he teased. "The thought might've crossed my mind" you smiled.

Sasori wanted to know what it meant to be in a relationship so you were showing him what couples do. "You see couples can kiss, hug, or even just hold hands," you tried explaining, but you were just as inexperienced. "What is kissing? Isn't that where people put their mouths together." He said looking disgusted which kind of discouraged you. "Yes it you want me to show you?" You asked hope glimmering in your eyes. He nodded slowly closing his eyes you hesitated leaning in. "Hurry up!" He snapped keeping his eyes closed and his arms crossed. "S-Sorry," You stammered finally kissing him at first he just stood there, but after a while kissed back. You pulled away because that was your first kiss ever. "I wouldn't mind doing that again,"he said leaving you a blushing mess.

Even though your mutual hate turned to mutual love you still called Deidara Barbie boy and he hated it. "If you weren't my boyfriend I'd think you're gay" you laughed watching his face flush with anger. "Well I'll prove it to you," he muttered leaving you in shock when he kissed you. He was so passionate and definitely not gay. You didn't know he'd act like this and it actually turned you on. "Wow Barbie boy I didn't know you had it in you." You winked causing him to groan in annoyance.

Hidan has been bothering you nonstop about getting to kiss you and other things, but you had to be pure. "For the millionth time no, Kami forbids any sexual relations until I'm married!" You said trying to make him see things your way, but of course he didn't care. "Ok, but you can fucking kiss me," he huffed you thought it over playfully turning away from him. "Hmph," he turned you around looking straight in your eyes. "Kiss me" he growled "please" he asked softening his expression. You looked into his eyes, prayed to Kami and kissed him. You pulled away quickly "there now unless you want to get married I won't do anything more." You said trying to hide your blush "we can get married," he joked making you blush hard "Baka!" You said hitting him over the head.


You had been in a daze ever since you and Kakuzu became official. Even though things have barely changed you were nothing, but content. You went into the living room with a big smile. "What the fuck..why're you fucking smiling like that it's fucking creepy." Hidan glared, but you just ignored him and sat next to Kakuzu. "Ohayo Senpai!" You smiled he nodded as you continued to stare. He noticed and sighed looking at you for an explanation. "What do you want?" He asked lightly turning towards you. "A kiss," you smiled watching him shrug leaning towards you. "What the actual-" Hidan started, but you took a kunai and threw it at his head.

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