Drinking a whole lot of thirst
You're a elephant
Even in reverse
Always wanting more blue
That's because the waste can't stand you
Sit down and remove it
Worse than a demented, sugar crazed Kazoo kid
No liquid is too caustic
Eating up burns
With a belly so toxic
Nothing in there can sustained for so long
Too insignificant to be called a mosquito
Go drink yourself away
The holy water drys knowing it's another bottom feeder
You think you pray?!
When you do, you get meaner
"I am a child of God!"
No, you're a demon's Ipod
Don't get it mashed
Between the people who spits prosperity
And the ones that push you off
You got your own choices
Choose who you need to be
Do not blame others for your ugly personality
Change is here
Always has been
Too stuck on the past and too stubborn for the future
A present's mistake!
Poems with Jasables
PoeziePoems are love, Poems are life, It's the soul of me And what I can be. My crowd gets big, And keeps getting bigger, That's cuz Jesus Christ is mah love! Peace. *Mic drop* I thought I was going to say it, didn't u?