Chapter 9 "The Diana Effect"

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The next day, forensics were doing research on David's mutilated body, which made news headlines. Kimberly was at home studying when she saw the news. Ileen came to her and said,

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?"

Kimberly turned off the television and looked at the phone, in fear. At the Grimsdale High School, everyone looked at her in suspicion. Jada and Dean came to her.

"Did you get any sleep?" asked Jada. Kimberly nodded her head and then started to feel dizzy. In her classes, she fell asleep quickly. She then began dreaming about the ghost taking out David's heart, and the decapitated Madam Pier's head. She then dreamed she saw Diana looking at her and then screeching and attacking her.

"Wake up!" shouted her teacher.  Kimberly woke up in the middle of her exam and saw that she didn't do any of the questions on the paper.

"Time is up," said her teacher as each student handed in their papers. Kimberly looked at the ceiling in fatigue and went outside the classroom to see chattering students. Overwhelmed at the chattering, she held her head in pain and then screamed. Delroy came to her and held her.

"Miss Jones, you're required to come to the police station this evening. Along with, Delroy Simon, Jada Spence and Dean Nefarious," said the principal.

"This cannot be good," said Delroy.
At the police station, the four teenagers were in the detective's office.

"So you're telling me that you can't tell me what's killing your friends?" asked Detective Jacobs.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true," said Kimberly. Detective Jacobs then shook his head and took a step outside.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes," he said. Kimberly then saw the computer and had an idea.

"Dean, can you hack it?" asked Kimberly to Dean. Dean came to the computer and started to hack the police system.

"I need you to go into the CELL LLC database. I need to know who previously owned this phone since they have a policy of selling back phones that were previously used by persons," said Kimberly.

"It could take like 3 minutes," said Dean as he cracked his hands and began working his fingers. Jada looked at the station and saw the lights flickering.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," she said.

"Ok, but be careful. We don't want anyone to have suspicions," said Delroy. Jada left the office and went into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her. She then came to the face basin and looked at the mirror. She then saw her reflection, but then the lights flickered and she saw Diana looking at her.

"You're next contact," she said in her raspy voice. Next thing, the pipes turned on by themselves and then a hand came from the basin and held her head, pulling it down. She then started to drown her in the water that the pipe was releasing. No one at the station heard her. Jada was trying to catch some air, but every time she pulls her head out, Diana pulls it back down, with each grip stronger than before. At the office, Dean logged on to the CELL LLC website.

"Ok give me your phone model number," said Dean. Kimberly showed him and he typed it in. The results of the search belonged to: John Redwood.

"Redwood. That sounds like an article I read earlier tonight," said Dean.

"You think it's an connection?" asked Kimberly.

"Possibly," said Dean as he saw the lights flickering again. Then all of a sudden, Kimberly's phone started to go on and off.

"Not again," said Kimberly. She then saw that Jada's name was being erased and being rewritten again.

"We've got to save Jada," she said. In the bathroom, Jada was almost drowned. Kimberly, Delroy and Dean left the office and came to the door, which couldn't be opened. Their actions started a commotion.

"We need help!" shouted Dean. Detective Jacobs came to the scene and tried opening the door.    Jada was losing consciousness. Detective Jacobs kicked open the door and saw the scene. Dean and Delroy took her face out of the face basin just in time before she fully drowned.

"Ohk. I have to admit, but that was weird. I'll let you all go, but keep things under wraps," said Detective Jacobs. The four teens left the station and went to the parking lot towards Jada's car.

"I can't believe I almost died," said Jada. Kimberly looked around and felt a cold breeze blowing.

"Are you okay?" asked Delroy. Then both of them saw a shadow running past cars. Kimberly looked at her phone again and saw that it erasing Jada's name and rewriting it again. Beside Jada's car, Diana crept on the roof of the vehicle, ready to jump on Jada.

"Jada look out!" shouted Kimberly as Diana jumped on Jada. Dean tried to help her, but Diana punched him. Jada got up and ran to Delroy and Kimberly, who were shocked at the sight. Diana looked at them and screeched in anger.

"We need to distract her!" shouted Delroy. He took a stone, and threw it at her, but that did no good.

"Let's not stick around and try!" shouted Kimberly as they ran away from Diana who tried to kill them. Diana jumped on cars to capture Jada, but to no avail.

"Quick! Back to the car!" shouted Kimberly as they ran past cars, which triggered the motion sensor alarms, with Diana swiftly chasing them as fast as a cheetah.
They reached Jada's car and she tried to open it.

"Come on!" shouted Delroy. Jada tried to put the keys in the car, but she was shaking as a leaf. Delroy then used his elbow and broke the car window. He opened the door and got in the car. He opened the other doors.

"Get in!" he shouted as they entered the car. They saw Diana coming for them, with her claws ready to cut through Jada. Jada started the car and drove away from the ghost who started to wail. On the bridge, the teens were discussing the events.

"I think we lost her! We have got to stop this thing now!" shouted Delroy.

"At least it's over for now. I mean I'm sure she can't fly," said Dean. Then a hand punched through the roof of the car. Dean shrieked as Diana was on the roof trying to get into the car.

"Jada! Shake her off!" shouted Kimberly. Jada drove into the other lane, causing cars to drive onto the sidewalks. Diana then punched through the roof again, and almost caught Kimberly.

"Come on! Get her off!" shouted Dean.

"You're not helping!" shouted Jada as she swerved the car left and right. Then Diana pulled out her hand and ceased trying to catch Jada.

"Is she gone?" asked Delroy. Then all of a sudden, Diana broke the window and pulled Jada from the driver's seat and unto the roof.

"Grab the wheel!" shouted Kimberly to Dean who took over the wheel and stopped the car. They then heard Diana using her claws to maul Jada and Jada, screaming to each hit. The three teens looked at the roof in fear. Then, Jada's body fell in front of the car, filled with cuts and blood. Kimberly screamed in terror as Diana continue to maul her best friend in front of her. Diana looked at her, then disappeared. Dean, Delroy and Kimberly came out of the car and looked at the lifeless body in disbelief.

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