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taehyung's pov

my mother almost cried when i got home that day. she thought someone forced me into it.

i told her about jungkook. i told her everything from the first day of daycare until now. i told her about my need to keep jungkook happy. to do everything he tells me to.

she sat across from me at the kitchen table as i explained to her my life story. her smile began to grow and never faltered as she looked at me knowingly.

my family had known i was different since the moment i began to show interest in chubby bald babies and tea parties. there was never a need for me to come out and say anything.

"he likes you back." my mother squealed.

"y-you think so?" my heart fluttered at the thought.

"sweetie he would be stupid not to! you're so beautiful my baby boy." my mother got up as she hugged me tightly.

i blushed at her words and returned her hug. it was when i heard her sniffing that i knew she was crying.

"m-mommy why are you crying?"

"my innocent little boy is all grown up." my mother sobbed.

we stayed in each other's arms a few more minutes before she spoke.

"remember what i told you taetae. don't let anyone touch you anywhere you aren't comfortable with. respect your body my sweet boy."

"yes mommy." i smiled at her caring words.

she suddenly squealed like a child as she exclaimed, "i can't wait to tell your father!"

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