thirty nine.

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jungkook's pov

"yeah. i miss you too. i love you. bye."

my mind automatically forced doubts to bubble up. it was the deep insecurity that lived within me.

i had just overheard a conversation between taehyung and someone on the other end of the phone.

"who was that?" i asked, trying to sound casual as i wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"o-oh jungkook! you scared me, when did you get back?" he gasped as he spun around, smiling up at me.

i gently brushed his hair out of his eyes as my body remained tense. i couldn't help it.

taehyung is just too beautiful and it would be no trouble for him to find someone else to replace me with.

"you didn't answer my question. who was on the other end."

"m-my mommy.... i miss her a lot." taehyung mumbled against my shoulder as he pressed himself against me.

all doubt and dread left my body as i prepared myself to comfort my boyfriend.

i knew he was going to cry, he always tried to hide his face from me. his small sniffles were confirmation to my suspicions.

"oh, baby. you're okay." i comforted.

"can we go see them this weekend?" he softly asked.

"of course tae. anything for you." i gently pressed my lips against his.

"come on. ill take your mind off of it." i licked my lips.



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