twenty seven.

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jungkook's pov

two week had gone by since the whole kisoo incident happened.

things between taehyung and i were pretty much back to normal, with the except of his constant fear every time he turned the corner.

i was still extremely cautious about leaving him alone, fearing that kisoo would magically appear and hurt him.

namjoon had told me that a friend of his had seen kisoo at a party sometime last week.

apparently he was acting as if nothing happened.

when he was asked about the cuts on his face, he said he had fought a drunk guy at a bar.

an absolute classic.

i was currently running around the dorm, frantically looking for a sweater to throw on. i quickly picked up some socks, sniffing them before shrugging.

my phone suddenly buzzed loudly, making me curse. i turned the bright screen around, seeing it was a message from taehyung.


'he's here. he's here in my class.'

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