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taehyung jumped around the room excitedly as jimin finished straightening his hair.

"taehyung stop jumping! i just did your hair!" jin shrieked.

"let's go! im ready to do this!" he squealed.

"you should have seem jungkook right now when i went to do his hair. he looked constipated as fuck." jin snorted.

taehyung giggled as he proceeded to ask jin how jungkook looked and if he was ready.

"they said they were going to leave right now so we should probably hurry as well." jin commented, making jimin stomp his feet, realizing that he was being rushed.

a knock was heard on the door before taehyung's mother entered the room, her hair and makeup already done.

"are you boys ready? my gosh tae, you look so beautiful my precious boy!" she cried as she brought him into her arms making him smile.

"you look so pretty mommy!" he gasped.

"jungkook is gonna want to eat you all up!" she squealed.

taehyung's cheeks flushed red as jin let out a loud laugh.

"has he told you where the honeymoon is going to be?" jimin asked.

"no he keeps saying he's going to blindfold me on the plane!" taehyung whined childishly.

"guess you'll just have to wait." his mother smirked, knowing full well where jungkook was taking him.

"alright im done!" jimin announced.


by the time they arrived at the location, jungkook's head was pounding.

he felt like throwing up.

but nonetheless he greeted taehyung's family with a bright smile. he felt a bit sad seeing only his aunt and uncle from his side of the family.

"can we leave this seat empty?" jungkook asked as he motioned over to the first row.

"yeah sure but why?" namjoon asked.

"for my mom." he smiled softly as namjoon only nodded, completely understanding.

by the time taehyung finally made his way to start walking down the isle, jungkook was trying really hard not to cry.

he watched as taehyung's father walked with him, leading him up to jungkook.

he couldn't help the tears that escaped his eyes as he looked at how beautiful taehyung looked.

namjoon stood beside him, proudly watching the seen before him.

jimin was sitting front row, practically jumping out of his seat to see taehyung walk.

yoongi sat next to him, blinking rapidly before a small smile spread across his face.

hoseok's eyes shined brightly as he smiled at his friends.

jin smirked as he watched jungkook's reaction to taehyung.

by the time taehyung got to where jungkook was, both of them had tears streaming down their faces.

"hi." taehyung smiled as his father turned to sit back down.

"hi." jungkook replied, awestruck.

"shall we begin?"


"i now pronounce you a married couple. you may kiss your husband."

and jungkook turned to taehyung as the cheers behind them got louder, looked him in the eyes as he spoke, "i love you taehyung."

"i love you too."

and then they pressed their lips together for the world to see.

the end.


thank you for everything. i love you all.

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