thirty nine.

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taehyung's pov

we ended up ordering pizza for dinner. jungkook had put on a sci-fi movie for us to watch. my favorite genre.

it was 9pm when the movie finally ended. leaving us in utter silence once the credits disappeared. we were cuddled on his couch, a blanket draped over us.

my thoughts had been all over the place throughout the film. my tears coming and going, stressing about my situation.

i was contemplating my next move, my body itching to just do it.

so i did.

i climbed myself onto his lap, straddling him as my thighs fell on either side of his body.

he seemed shocked at my actions, his hands resting on my small waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

i wasted no time, leaning in and crashing my lips to his. my kiss was desperate, trying to cling onto him.

he quickly moved his lips against mine, claiming complete and utter dominance. it was exactly what i wanted.

we both pulled away, breathless. my heart beating erratically in my chest at my next words.

"jungkookie, please. make love to me."

WHAT HE WANTS | TAEKOOK ✓Where stories live. Discover now