forty six.

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jungkook's pov

"i think these are my favorite! wait no, these are super pretty too!" taehyung smiled excitedly as he looked at all the different types of flowers.

i sighed softly as i followed after him, smiling.

"which ones do you like?" he giggled cutely as he turned around.

"they are all pretty baby. but chose whichever ones you like."

"ah, jungkookie! i should have brought jimin with me instead." he pouted.

"fuck no, you're mine." i half teased, grabbing his hips from behind.

"kook!" he gasped, as he looked around the shop, cheeks flushed adorably.

"what?" i teased by his ear.

"stop." he whispered but made no move to remove my hands.

"this is a bridal shop, isn't it?" i retorted as i rested my chin on his shoulder.

"i really like the lavender ones." he softly spoke as we looked at the roses.

"okay baby. we can do that." i smiled.

"but the white ones are also really nice." he quickly added.

"we can do lavender and white." i kissed his cheek as he giggled.


lavender roses: love at first sight

white roses: purity & innocence


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