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jungkook's pov

"i thought you said the party was today?" taehyung asked me, looking like a lost puppy.

"it is baby. but it's only eight." i checked the time on my phone as i laid back on my bed.

"i-i don't get it." he replied softly as he ran his fingers through his soft hair.

"it's too early sweet. no one goes until like eleven." i chuckled as i watched him pout.

"oh. can we cuddle before you leave?" he asked suddenly, his eyes shining with excitement.

"come here." i patted my lap gently, watching as he waddled over to me, giggling to himself.


"yo! im gonna go get us some drinks!" hoseok yelled over the loud music.

i nodded as i looked around at the sea of bodies dancing wildly.

"jk! come, let me introduce you to my friend! this is kisoo!" namjoon motioned me over to a group of guys.

"hey man! you having fun?!" an average looking male yelled over the loud music as we did the handshake.

"yeah bro. this is your house?" i asked him.

"yeah! here man, have a drink!" he handed me a closed beer bottle.

"thanks." i nodded as i cracked open a cold one with the boys. (IM WHEEZING)

needless to say, that night was one of the best i had had in a long time. i found myself laughing at kisoo's crackhead jokes as we shared drinks.

i knew i had found a new good friend.


i am feeding y'all bc so much shit is coming and im honestly kind of excited but also scared for y'alls reaction.

also tomorrow is my first day of work in urgent care and honestly im ready to throw myself out of a window. pls wish me luck.

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