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"We do not know when the bell tolls for us to leave this mortal coil we can only beckon it's call. Ever So slowly does the bell ring loudest on one soul but he spits back the cold hand that reaches forth to claim him and stay's truly defiant".'Grimmzshadoe'...

Pain that's all he can feel all over. yes this is what death felt like an itch that never goes away, A sting you can't remedy,A lost dog that clings to you hoping that you'll take it home with you, Yes this is that pain he just wishes he could make stop, He has had more than 2,0000 years to ponder he had now just realized just how alone he felt, it's tearing him up especially about the mare that occupies most of his thought's, that mare is twilight sparkle his recent death all thanks to her...but when he gazed into those sparkling purple orbs he had seen a beauty far grater than any before her...even...radiant hope, he mulls over being non existent and still retain a form of consciousness, silently grumbling in a state of anger wondering when he will obtain flesh and blood again... *sombra*."come on how much longer must i wait to see her again. to tell her that she thawed this black heart.*sigh*. twilight sparkle how i wished the long sleep in the ice had not drove me insane so i could fully see her at the time...oh! there it is my chance to come back Ha! not even the reaper pony could take me. OH! I cannot wait to see Celestia's face alright here we go." nearby was a crystal unicorn why he was roaming around the frozen waste of the crystal empire Sombra didn't know nor did he care what the stallion failed to realise as he passed Sombra's, horn was a shadow grasping onto him but by then it was to late the stallion didn't get to scream in agony as Sombra's, form wrapped around his muzzle and airway putting some force in his shadowy mist was not difficult for a master of dark arts, with a satisfying snap, Sombra felt the life leave the stallion, Sombra entered even though he was no longer a dark monarch he had to have one last laugh at the immense pain he was feeling all over again as he was being remade he let out a bone chilling cackle...

Sombra has returned and he wants nothing to do with the crystal empire, he only wants one thing, a mare to love he has been given a second chance, and he was not going to waste it... trotting through the snow towards the train station Sombra was having a field day with his new problem though he still looked the same he had to be careful right now. *Sombra*,"hmm. How to get on the train without being recognized. that's it I'll just use my cape good thing i had it tailored with a hood or this would not work now to ponyville." As Sombra got aboard the train he thought of what would get her to let him stay. Maybe bribe her with a book or magic. Yes that's the perfect idea he also thought he could buy her flowers and chocolate he hoped he would get a chance to explain himself before he got kicked out. And what of the other elements of harmony would they recognized him he'll just have to take that chance as the train pulled into ponyville station, he got off to look for a place to buy flowers and chocolates he saw a flower stall nearby and bought a dozen roses and he saw a building that looked like a cupcake. Sugarcube corner, Luckily Ms. Cake was running the store right now. *Sombra*,"excuse me Ms. But could i get some chocolates in the heart shaped box i am buying them to ask out a mare i like". *Mrs. cake*,"of course that'll be 2 bits please and thank you". He put the amount needed and left with his purchase he spied the library and steeled himself as he drew closer he began to sweat nervously thinking of all the ways this could go wrong finally he was face to face with the door he pulled up his hoof and knocked. Inside the

Twilight sparkle was reading a book then all of a sudden there was a knock on her door she didn't remember if she had made any plans with one of her friends or not. she placed the book down and went to answer the door. she opened it and standing there was a stallion with a black coat and mane he was built like Big Mac or maybe stronger and he was handsome so she asked *Twilight*,"oh hello there can i help you with something". Sombra on the other hoof sighed in relief he had not been recognized yet and bluntly made up a lie whilst asking her out *Sombra*,"um. Yes i'm night sky we met very briefly at your welcoming party and then i had some family issues in Canterlot so now I'm back and I've always wanted to ask you something Twilight sparkle will you go on a date with me". He ended pulling out his chocolates and flowers while smiling brightly. Twilight was so shocked she had been asked out she just blurted *Twilight*,"Yes! What time. should i wear something nice". And she clamped her hooves over her muzzle after that outburst blushing deep crimson. Sombra could only chuckle and inwardly jump for joy while at the same time nervous at being caught. *Sombra*," 7.00 o clock tonight I'll make this a night to remember oh but I'll need to talk to that white unicorn friend of yours what was her name again ah Rarity that's it see you tonight Twilly". He winked at her then left going over towards a high society looking place waltz in and the bell rang signaling he was in a place of business hoping he guessed right on the first go then Rarity came out and said her business moto *Rarity*,Hello!.and welcome to the carousel boutique where everything's sleek chic and magnifique can i help you". *Sombra,"yes i would like a suit tailored to me you see i asked out a mare tonight and need to dress accordingly and here is the amount you need". He puts the bits on the table and gets ready for his date he never thought Twilight would agree so fast but he'll leave that up to never being asked out before hopefully he can gain her trust before she figures out who he is. oh well he leaves the boutique to plan on what he'll say meanwhile. Twilight is having a panic attack the size of canterlot.

*Twilight*,"oh spike why did i agree maybe i should cancel. No i agreed and it would probably hurt his feelings spike send a letter telling celestia of my first date". And after she said that she told spike what to say and sent the letter off with a bout of green fire *time skip* seven rolled around reel quick Sombra cantered up to Twilight's door and knocked and he waited. When she came out Dear celestia she was gorgeous she was wearing a blue dress with stars in it what Sombra didn't know was this dress was her galla dress .*Sombra*,"
dear Celestia your so beautiful well then shall we go". Twilight nodded shyly and they were off to have a great evening unaware in the crystal empire the crystal heart was shining brightly seemingly telling it's caretaker of just who had been revived...Tbc

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