Meeting the parents

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Morning dawned as Sombra and Twilight awoke. They got ready and headed to Twilight's first home. The house came into view and Twilight knocked on the door.

*T.Velvet* ,"Twilight! So good to see you, How've you been?".

*Twilight*,"I've been great mom, how are you and dad?".

*T.Velvet*," oh we're great, night light. Our duaghter is here".

Walking into view was Twilight's dad he looked past Twilight and saw Sombra.

*Nightlight* ,"well who's this handsome stallion, Twilight you didn't tell us you had a coltfriend".

Twilight smiled and decided to say what he actualy was.

*Twilight*," mom , dad this is Sombra, he's an umbrum, and he's acctualy my husband, *she blushed*".

Her parents were extatic

*Velvet*,"honey that's great!".

*Nightlight*,"my daughter is all grown up *fatherly sniff*".

*Sombra*,"love, aren't you forgetting something? *he grins*".

Twilight blushed hard

*Twilight*,"I'm also pregnant".

Her parents squeeled with joy, and hugged their daughter

*Velvet and night*," Oh this is perfect!!, We're grandparents!!".

*Sombra*," well aren't they excited, *he smiles*".

*Twilight*," I love you Sombra *she nuzzles him happily*".

*Sombra*," and I love you, my sparkling star *he nuzzles back harder*".

Twilight *,"well those are my parents, I'm happy the like you...have you decided if you want to start a herd?".

Sombra becomes silent

*Sombra*," not know..."

Sombra began to think hard, and long about his decision.

And twilight nuzzled him letting him know she was there for whatever he decided

(Yeah I know short chapter, but I honestly couldn't think of how to extend this) tbc

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