Chaotic day in Ponyville

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They were packing to go visit ponyville, and they hoped it would be fun...oh if they only knew...

As the train headed for ponyville chugged off, the lovers just enjoyed the silence, for they both knew once they got to ponyville, a party was prepared, and Twilight liked the idea of going back.

Going back to see where she had come blind and obedient she had been... But the truth had been reveiled to her, that her teacher was nothing but a self centered pony, a jealous pony, a pony so obsessed with destroying others happiness she had been fooled into talking by Sombra. It. Seems he knew how to get under her skin. And she underestimated him, and paid the price for her disregard, her arrogance, her pride.

The Train pulled in and the lovers no more stepped off, and a cocophanus sound, sounded out as the pink party pony greeted the pony's of the hour.

*Pinkie pie* ,"SUPRISE!, are ya ready for the party!, Huh, huh,huh!, Oh I'm so excited!, come on!".

Pinkie bounces away leading the lovers to their party, and almost everyone in ponyville showed up (what?, Did you not think that the ones who didn't come maybe had something else to do?) And the party began, and Everypony was having a blast.

Meanwhile, just out of sight a mismatched creature grinned, not with malice or hatred. But with amusement and fun, oh he was going to have a blast, yes the king of chaos himself was watching and waiting... Discord.

As the party wore On. suddenly everything became sideways, inside out, desert covered, and chaotic!.

*Discord* ," Auhahahahahahahahahaah!, Welcome home Twilight!, How have you been my dear (he grinned mischievously)".

Twilight smiled to her friend discord.

*Twilight*," hello discord, I've been amazing acctualy, (blush) as you can see...I kinda did something chaotic...(she smiled sheepishly)".

Discord luaghed uproariously.

*Discord*," oh believe me!, I know everything that happened.... Eeeeeverrrrryyyythhhhhiiinnnnngggg (he span his head in place, like a familiar gold pyramid with one eye, as he chuckled and Twilight flushed bright pink) Auhahahahahahahahahaah your just to easy to ruffle up Twilight. I'm kidding (he cackled)".

Twilight blushed and pouted, as Sombra came up and nuzzled her, but he couldn't hide the amused grin that spread his muzzle.

*Sombra*," heheh, twily he's kidding, hello discord, how are you,my old friend...".

Sombra and discord looked at each other as if just remembering the past.

*Discord*," I've been great my friend...but... dear sweat Fluttershy...has distanced herself from me...I... don't know what to do to be honest...".

Sombra understands completely, with an entity like him, but he would give his fellow friend some advice.

*Sombra*,", my friend, tell her of this, talk to her. And try and admit your feelings...if she cowers from you...she isn't the one.... maybe if you and this ... Fluttershy mare don't work and Luna may have something in common".

Discord looked Happy to have been given advice, and nodded.

He then took over the pinkie party, and turned it into a discord party!, It was unruly, it was nonsense, IT WAS CHAOS!.

they partied until the sun went down, they spent time with the mane five, and lastly... Rarity came up to them (oh boy).

*Rarity*," t-twilight?, I-its about Spike... He's so cold to me....why?, Back at arcanus...he looked so cold...".

Twilight looked at her, then at Sombra, she nodded her head, giving him the go ahead.

*Sombra*," maybe it's because you dated!, Behind his back...after he told you everything...mares like you...are so blind to what you have...well I hope you had fun, playing with his feelings... because he's done with you ... You lost him...and you have no pony to blame...but yourself".

The lovers walked away as rarity looked wounded, she flinches and remembered dating after Spike told her his feelings...she crushed him...she broke him, and she only has herself to blame, she walked back to the carousel botique, and cried herself to sleep.

The lovers bordered the train and headed home...tbc

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