they see celestia's true colors

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...*Celestia*,"no.... Your evil, Luna! Come on, We are going to prepare.for war...". Everypony, was shocked, Peace had always been priority, Over violence, But it seems Celestia  couldn't get over her grudge.

*Luna*,"sister... please tell us you are joking.". Celestia's, muzzle aquired a scowl, And she shook her head.

*Sombra*," I'm not surprised, Celestia You have always hated that witch you don't understand, Nor are you willing to actually try and understand".

Celestia,Looked Angry .

*Celestia,"Oh really!, Then elaborate, Please show Me,  how wrong I am!".

*Sombra*,"for one. You sent your only!, Sister to the moon, Second. You send twilight to ponyville, Even though you knew that spell wouldn't hold. And finally!. You ignored Twilight at the wedding and you didn't listen to her, Or even investigate her claims, And you all yes im addressing the mares, Excluding cadence. Didn't even apologize".

Celestia flinched at each accusation. Cadence was just listening. For it seemed Sombra was truly skilled at exposing her, And from luna's look she also seems to have been kept in the dark.

*Sombra*,"honestly, You are too easy to fool Celestia, Even me who is almost engulfed in dark magic slipped by your radar, No wonder chrysalis fooled you".

*Celestia*," FOOLED ME!, IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK!". Sombra became confused, So did everypony in the room.

*Sombra*," um,yes?. Twilight told me you didn't even have a clue?...did you?".


*Sombra*," so what you're telling me... Is you deliberately didn't listen to Twilight, And punished her". Sombra began to smirk, But Celestia was to enraged to notice.


*Sombra*," HAhahahahaha.Hah! You FOOL!, You just admitted it to everypony, HERE!".

Luna's mouth was dropped in disbelief, Cadence looked aghast, The mane five looked flabbergasted, And Twilight looked hurt, betrayed, angry,sad,and a hole lot of other emotions. Celestia then realized her folly. But it was to late. Her anger got the best of her. For once in her life. The sun princess. Lost.

*Twilight* ," YOU MEAN YOU ABANDONED ME, AND MADE MY FRIENDS BELIEVE MY FOALSITER, ACT, LIKE THAT!, YOU CHOSE. TO IGNORE ME!, HURT ME!, LEAVE ME ALL ALONE!.". she started to cry. And sombra was by her side instantly, She was hiccuping and hyperventilating. She had been deserted by her brother, friends,and second mom basically.

*Twilight*,"WHAT ELSE DID YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT!.". Celestia stiffened.

*Sombra*,"oh, You know one night, Before Luna became nightmare moon, She was basking in attention. Even though she said she was fair with her sister". A grin split his face. Sometimes it's good to have dark magic, Luna looked hurt, Then confused, Then sad, Then she blew!.

*Luna*,"WHAT!,  SISTER!, IS THIS TRUE!". Luna Looked at Celestia with tears streaming down her muzzle. And Celestia hung her head, And they all saw Celestia's nature, Her true motivation, Her jealousy and pettyness, Sombra always cuatiose in the past had spied on Celestia, And therefore saw everything she ever did, Right or wrong.

*Sombra*,"One last thing... She killed cadence's mother...and pinned it on me.". All ponies attending, Faces morphed to anger and disappointment, They all berated Celestia, And the 5 mares embraced twilight and apoligized perfusley, And twilight hugged them close...

*Twilight*,"You girls are truly. My friends.".

*Rainbow dash*," Daww. Come here ya nerd!, We love ya Twilight...tell no pony I said that

*Applejack*," we're mighty sorry sugarcube. Can ya forgive us?".

Twilight nodes her head

*pinkie*," YAY!, I CAN THROW A 'YOU GOT ENGAGED' AND 'CONGRADULATIONS ON BECOMING A QUEEN' PARTY!". They all agreed. Sombra requested Luna make twilight a portal so they could go between ponyville and arcanus. They were all exstatic, And this gave sombra a chance to reintroduce. Not only himself, But his family To the world, Tears of joy poured from his eyes at finally being free, Not only did cadence pardon sombra, But so did Luna, And when sombra was formally introduced to twilight's friends, They all said he was now their friend... And in that moment, Tears never before seen from sombra spilled from him. He  luaghed and cried his sorrow and pain out, And the most Noble smile anypony had ever seen lay on his face. In that moment everypony saw the Stallion Twilight fell in love with, Even Celestia, And with that there was a loud cheer as all the umbrum welcomed the new ponies into the family, And they kicked Celestia out.

A grand feast was Heald in honor of peace, And they all loved the food. Applejack had to surrender the title of most delicious apples, To the umbrum, She was astounded at their farming and cooking, She would definitely bring this up with her family, And the other apples, As for rarity, She learned to be a bit better at holding her judgement, Pinkie learned a way to calm herself, And is allot better at expressing herself, Fluttershy, Learned to be brave, And speak louder she had never been happier to not retreat within her bangs, And rainbow dash got in touch with her feminine side, She was shown that you don't have to be tough to be cool, And that you need to show all of yourself, And Luna finally learned to speak in modern tuonge, She was grateful to finally be able to hold a conversation.

That night they all went to a rented house in arcanus, And drifted off, After everything that came to light, Wrongs, Would be Righted, And the truth would finally be heard.

Inside Twilight and Sombra's room the two cuddle with each other, Just enjoying the others warmth.

*Twilight*,"Sombra...thank you... For making her tell the truth, And for being with me...I love shadow".

*Sombra*,"Of course my Star, I won't ever stop loving you... And you made up with your friends, And I am now a part of the group, They all said I would never have friends...but look at me now, I have the mare of my dreams, Luna, Applejack,Rainbow Dash,Pinkie pie, Fluttershy, Cadence and Shining Armor. Are now my friends...and I couldn't be happier... I love you... Twilight Sparkle...My Star...My Everything.....My Savior... nothing will ever separate me and you, And if something tried, I would make my way back to you...My Love". Tbc

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