the crystal empire...yep we have to go through it...fuck

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As both ponies awoke to the smell of breakfast they glanced at each other and smiled as to what happened last night *Spike*,"so is Sombra my real dad now." He asked smirking toward his mom and dad spike might be young but he is not stupid, Twilight just began stammering and blushing the deepest crimson, Sombra replied

*Sombra*,"yes Spike I am and you'll have a brother or sister soon enough my little prince.", ruffling Spike's spines as he talks to his now son as they check out,  they continue on toward the border and as the crystalline city grew closer Sombra grew agitated he... Didn't like the empire as they passed through the barrier Sombra's disguise flickered for a moment but held out if he did any of his shadow magic he would lose his disguise and this whole thing would be for not as Twilight Spike and Sombra cantered off toward the other edge of the empire a freak snowstorm started outside all ocupents heard the raging winds outside and decided to rest here as they rented another room under another name besides night sky,  so shining and cadence wouldn't know both ponies and dragon settled for a night at the empire, meanwhile Luna came for a visit to ponyville she wanted to hang out with the bearers of harmony, as Luna visited sugar cube corner for she was hungry and it's where pinkie lives as she trotted in pinkie saw her, *pinkie*,"oh hi Luna are you here for a splendiferous cupcake or a cookie oh oh oh what about a milkshake or or or those mooncakes you enjoy so much or..."*Luna*,"please Ms pinkamena daine pie hold thy tounge, we art just here for a visit we wish to spend the day with the other element bearers, for we art bored at the palace, sister of course wishes she could come down and spend time with her precious student, but we would like to have a mooncake... pinkie pie as you can see our habits are hard to break." Pinkie nodded in agreement and gave Luna a mooncake and she flew off to visit Fluttershy then Applejack then rarity and then Rainbow Dash... Luna then thought the polycromatic pegasus might be napping so if she was then she would just visit rarity and then finally the element of magic Twilight Sparkle... Tia's most faithful student so she went to each of the other bearers house and of course Rainbow dash was napping so she visited rarity and began her trek to Sparkles tree library *Luna*,"hello Twilight Sparkle tis I your friend Luna ... Twilight...T-Twilight..." Luna began to worry she looked all over the library finding no trace of the purple unicorn she rushed to the nearest bearers house which was Rarity's *Luna*,"Lady Rarity we can not find Twilight Sparkle we came to you, do you know who spoke to her last?.".

*Rarity*,"oh hello darling as far as I know the new daring Doo book came out so it would be Rainbow Dash shall I fetch the other girls." Luna nodded and headed for the multicolored pegasus's house she knocked on the door again to hopefully wake up Rainbow Dash when said pegasus opened her door and saw Luna *Rainbow Dash*,"oh hey princess Luna what's up why are you here I just got done taking a nap."Rainbow said as she rubbed her eyes with a hoof *Luna*,"Rainbow we can not find Twilight Sparkle we heard thou were the last to speak with her do you know where she went?."

*Rainbow Dash*,"yeah she said something about going to see her brother and cadence at the empire."

*Luna*,"what but prince armor and niece cadence sent a letter to me and mine sister, that they were visiting Twilight and then they came back a little mopey they are in canterlot." Both ponies didn't like the feeling of dread that welled inside them so they rushed and gathered the other bearers and headed for canterlot.. princess Celestia was just attending day court and talking to cadence and her husband they both seemed down for some reason though *Celestia*," cadence. shining armor what's got you two down?." *Cadence*,"we kinda made Twilight angry cuase we accused her new colt friend and now we feel bad." Celestia adopted a shocked look, accused night sky? Whatever for? *Celestia*," and prey tell what exactly happened what did you accuse night of?."

*Shining Armor*,"I kinda tackled him to the ground and dislocated his spine a bit  and cadence jumped to a conclusion. Twily was furious with us." He dropped his head in embarrassment and shame for having hurt his sister's colt friend and Celestia just put a hoof to her head knowing how competitive her ex-captan could get when suddenly five mares plus one princess burst into the throne room looks of fear and worry ecthed into their muzzles.

*Luna*,"sister have you seen Twilight Sparkle?, she was not at home and she said she would visit Cadence and prince Armor so she hast to have sent a letter telling you of what she was doing."

The elements bearers we're talking amongst themselves in whispers and the other three royals in the room paled in fear and worry.  *Celestia*,"no I have received nothing from my precious student where is she what is she doing, GUARD'S!, I WANT YOU TO SEARCH EVERY INCH OF CANTERLOT AND PONYVILLE SHE HAS TO BE SOMEWHERE PLEASE FIND HER!".  Celstia belowed in the royal canterlot voice(or as I like to call it royal caps lock😂)and the guards swarmed out to find the missing student of the princess...

back in the empire the next day the snowstorm had dissapated and the two ponies and one Drake continued toward the equastrian borderline as the group made their way there the deep snow they saw it up ahead the cutoff point of the snow and back to spring season, the two lovers were extatic to start thier new life and Spike was also happy for them, hopefully he'll find love in their new kingdom and maybe his newfound love won't take advantage of him like Rarity did, only time will tell, as the three crossed the border the lovers kissed hard and passionately no longer under the jurisdiction of the sun or the moon all that mattered were the new family going to start a new Nation. *Sombra*,"well my sparkling star we made it we are free, Free to love, free to live and free to stay together, no one can separate us queen." Twilight  literally felt like she had just been warmed to the bottom of her soul and she just couldn't believe she was getting to remain with her shadow king.*Twilight*,"OH. Sombra I love you so much." She pounced onto her husband to be and nuzzled deep into his lion mane hiccuping happily as she cried tears of joy. And Spike with a happy smile on his face came over and hugged his two parents lovingly.*Sombra*,"so my queen what should we call our new kingdom." The two ponies thought hard but it was late by the time they had crossed the borderline so Twilight pulled out a tent she had bought for one of her friends...she had brought it with them for she had known they would have to rest outside at some point so they all got ready for the next day when they would decide what to call their new kingdom the two lovers curled around each other not wanting to be apart any longer, they couldn't even have separate rooms any longer, and who could blame them...
well for now call it love jitters or whatever but now that Sombra had called her queen niether had wanted to separate so they cuddled away the night in the others embrace sharing one last kiss of pure love before Twilight layed her head down on Sombra's and started sleep talking peacefully about their Future...*Twilight talking in her sleep quietly*,"hmm Sombra..i... can't wait to"Sombra wasn't asleep yet so he cuaght that, his face seemed to have taken on a new shade... A very bright shade of pink ...he happily nuzzled his Twilight with the most genuine smile to on his face *Sombra quietly*," did I get the most wonderful bueatiful mare at my side...I love you Twilight Sparkle...I always have." And with that all participants of the tent went to sleep.. in canterlot  all the guards returned with sad looks on thier muzzles they had found nothing all ponies were worried. where was their friend. where was she?, they slept that night so they could search tomorrow...well almost all slept Luna stayed up. princess Celestia had cried herself to sleep that very night worried for her surrogate daughter..Luna had stayed awake in the dream realm to search for the dream of Twilight Sparkle but as she searched she had found nothing it was almost as if somepony was blocking her but who...Tbc

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