the new kingdom and the Umbrum

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As the two ponies awoke in the morning the two glanced at each other and stole a good morning kiss as they exit their tent they joined Spike for breakfast witch consisted of berries and fish, unsurprising for the group Sombra's, fangs did in fact work for he ate both berries and fish,as breakfast came to a close Twilight chimed in. *Twilight*,"Hey Sombra, why don't we get to making our new home, and I have an idea for what to name our kingdom what about arcanus!."

*Sombra*,"yes arcanus, that's perfect my star, Now will you join your magic with me I'm gonna need a booster you don't need to worry about my dark magic it doesn't make you go crazy and we'll make an impressive crystal kingdom." Twilight was surprised he could make a kingdom without buying building supplies.

*Twilight*,"what you can make a kingdom?."  *Sombra*,"yes all of the umbrum,, created the empire didn't you know...of course you didn't those lying mules took all the credit and trapped my people." Twilight now knew who created the empire, forgetting from the previous night due to all the excitement, it rightfully. belonged to Sombra's, people it now made sense why he ruled she was a bit sad about the other umbrum, so she had an idea. *Twilight*,"hey Sombra?, are you sure you're people are all gone... I know you told me that when the heart activated it...but what if some survived like you so what if I go check I'll be careful and be back here."  Twilight finished intertwining her horn with his in an intimate way.*Sombra*,"sigh alright my star but be careful I can't check myself or I would and thanks for the magic boost, now come back safe... And if you see sun bitch teleport back to me I won't let them take you away from me, here have this map it shows where my people were kept." Twilight nodded to her husband to be And trotted back towards the crystal empire, through the snow a single lavender pony made her way back towards a goal as the empire was seen in her field of view she decided to teleport the rest of the way for she could not tell when another snowstorm would hit as the warmth of the empire warmed her, she pressed on, she came up to the castle doors and then crystal wings shielded her entrance. *Crystal guard*,"halt state your business prince Armor and princess cadence are not here, now who are you?, and what are You doing?."  Twilight thought for a second how could she get in to the bottom of the castle without telling who she is then it hit her hopefully they won't ask questions *Twilight*,"I'm one of the new recruits I'm, here to see flash sentry and get my post sirs."both crystal guards looked to each other and parted to let the mare in for the prince had asked for more guards because they were short in guard ponies, as Twilight entered and found the hidden room of the princess before Sombra, and found the secret staircase leading down deeper into the castle as she decended it grew dark, so she lit her horn as she came to a great iron door she knew it held Sombra's, people she pushed open the door and beheld a horror she couldn't describe behind a sheer wall of ice ponies were suspended with looks of pain or fear and some had parts of their bodies  separating from them, so she cast a spell on the ice to see if any pony had life suddenly life aura's sprang forth a few dozen were burning but just barely she had to get the ponies that were alive out so she went back to her training with princess Celestia and focused on just the alive aura's and started pulling. Pulling the ponies out of this ice prison, Sombra had brought up how he had tried but he couldn't get in the ice so it must trap shadow magic but she could get through, as maybe twelve shadow blobs were almost free she wondered who she had pulled through as they Finally freed themselves, one had on a platinum crown with a blood red gem, one had a silver crown like Sombra's, but the gem was turquoise and the rest looked like Sombra's, but different then the one with the platinum crown spoke.  *???*," Who are you child, you don't look like a crystal pony?.".

*Twilight*,"yes my name is Twilight Sparkle do you perchance know a stallion named Sombra?."
*???*,"S-Sombra?, my son is dead he died trying to protect us from the sun and moon the two princesses why do you bring him up? (She seemed saddened)." The shadow mare pointed to Twilight. *Twilight*,"no no Sombra, is fine tell me your names and I'll take you to him."*Nova*,"my name is queen Nova I'm Sombra's, mom if what you say is true then please take me to him." The Umbrum Queen had a few tears on her muzzle and points to the other Umbrum. *Nova*,"this right here is my daughter moon shadow the rest are some of my subjects now take us to my son." *Moon*,"please take me to my brother please." Twilight nodded and teleported them just outside of the love barrier so no pony would see them as the cold air hit the umbrum, they all sighed happily for they had not felt the cold for who knows how long. *Nova*,"now take me to my son." The pony and umbrum, trotted back towards the borderline. Sombra, was just starting on the courtyard he had made a few new houses out of different colors of purple and black for he had loved her coat color as well as his own when she comes back he'll have her build their castle together. *Sombra*," well my star will be back and when she is we will make our home, Spike?, Do you want to hang out with me till Twilight comes back," the Drake nodded to his dad and they sat and talked. Twilight and the umbrums, crossed the borderline they came across a colasal crystal gate of purple and black, then Twilight opened it with her magic and walked in she saw the masterful crafted houses of crystal and then she saw Spike and Sombra just talking then two old royals rushed past Twilight and tackled Sombra.*Nova*,"my son I thought you dead."*Moon*,"bro i-i thought y-you were gone." Both umbrum's, sobbed with joy at finding their prince.*Sombra*,"m-mother s-sister h-h-how are you... your alive... your here I thought...oh I'm just so happy you're alive." As the royals got to rejoice in being a family...well now Sombra, has to tell them every thing.

*Sombra*,"mother sister I have to tell you what has happened so far well I tried to come help you...but the twin sisters trapped me in ice same as you...what they didn't know was I was entirely awake in the ice when I got free I was insane and evil I tried ruling but I was a tyrant and then I got shattered by the heart but I was still alive i came back and...fell in love with her my Twily."the two royals looked at Twilight and squealed in happiness. *Nova*,"when did you two meet tell me Sombre." So he explained and when he got to just before Twilight came and got them what had happened in the night suffice to say they just squealed even higher and that's when Sombra remembered *Sombra bashfully*,"u-um Twily I'm do you wanna cast a spell to see well if you..." Sombra's face flushed deep crimson and Twilight got the point and flushed pink she cast a scan spell on herself and it was just as she knew the dead was done she was pregnant...* Twilight*,"oh Sombra yes!, yes I'm pregnant I'm gonna be a mom and your gonna be a dad! We'll get married now." Both ponies shared a long kiss so Nova gathered up all her subjects and Sombra let his disguise fall and the king of shadows stood just as he was the first time he ruled the empire and the umbrums, all chimed in to make Twilight a purple cape Macthing Sombra's garb and made a beautiful black and purple crown the crown had a black crystal and in the middle was a purple crystal in the shape of her cutie Mark and two umbrum, stallion's walked her down the aisle *Nova*,"my friends we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matramony, now prince Sombra, do you take this mare to be your queen." *Sombra*,"I do with all my now beating heart."*Nova*,"and do you Twilight Sparkle take my son to be your shadow king."*Twilight*," I do yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!, I love him with everything I have." *Nova*,"I now prenounce you king and queen of... quietly whispers to Sombra,what is this kingdom called." *Sombra*,"Arcanus." *Nova*,"King and queen of Arcanus, now let's all help build a grand kingdom."*umbrum's*,"YEAH." And so they did all night they crafted with magic light and dark alike and by sunrise a new kingdom stood with shimmering black and purple walls of crystal and inside new crops long forgotten were being planted and the new king and queen were planning new rules for their kingdom and Spike was crowned prince for being Twilight and Sombra's son and the bustling kingdom rejoiced and named today the foundation of Arcanus and hunted they brought back a pelethera of meat and berries and feasted and as soon as it was over umbrum magic grew the crops instantly for consumption and more planting the umbrums we're farmers better than any earth pony how did you think they survived the empire before?, the umbrums, did all the work while the crystal ponies did nothing and they took it from them well the thing about umbrums, their hard to kill and now there's a new kingdom and messagers, were sent out to invite people to stay at Arcanus but one got lost and headed for....yep canterlot...oh boy...Tbc

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