God damnit how do we stay together when they find out

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How.... That was the only thing going through his mind how to stay with each other for if he were found out that sun bitch might just wipe his lovely little Twily's memory. he couldn't let that happen ... How would they stay together c'mon think think...THINK!...I just thought of something but Twilight might not like it but it's the only thing I can think of*Sombra*,"Twily I've got an idea but you won't enjoy it." *Twilight*,"what is it Sombra what did you think of."*Sombra*,"you have to either do something to make the princess punish you or something to make you seem really busy if we can get past the border of the crystal empire up north that is an area away from celestia's control we have to cross and make a new kingdom we have to she hates me Twily we also can't take the train she could find us." He's right I don't like it but would my friends or Celestia listen to me...,

no they wouldn't, they didn't at the wedding so why would they now she had to admit he had a point so she diecided to go with him he had changed drastically since their first meeting he had been the insane tyrant coming to reclaim the empire but now..now that he actually looked sane he was the kindest most honorable stallion she had met even more than her brother so she agreed begrudgingly so they had a plan to set up to stay busy and hope to reach the border before Celestia or the other elements find out so they told spike what had happened and he told Twilight he knew it was Sombra, he had known all along and told Twilight when Sombra, had revield, himself to the Drake of course Twilight was surprised at first but then remembered all the time the two had been spending time with one another recently so they packed up what they could carry he was carrying Twilight's things mostly because he didn't own anything as they kept packing a knock sounded on Twilight's door the lovers looked at each other nervously and Twilight answered it was her friend Rainbow Dash  she trotted inside and looked around *Rainbow*,"hey egghead the new daring Doo book is out today and...hey why are you packing up..." Twilight decided to lie and hope Rainbow didn't notice *Twilight*,"uh...yeah Rainbow I'm going to the crystal empire to help with Flurry Heart so I won't be here after I'm done with the packing so here is the new book now I need to pack to get ready."she had given Rainbow her book and began packing again knowing that none of her friends had seen shining and cadence come over so she had a little time to get away...she really didn't like this but...

Sombra, was her colt friend and the princess nor her. Friends would probably approve of them together so they kept packing as soon as they were done they cantered over toward the railway but before leaving Twilight asked spike something *Twilight*,"Spike are you sure you wanna come what about rarity." The purple unicorn asked Spike then said in the most calm matter *Spike*,"yeah I wanna come with you and Dad rarity a few days ago after I told her my feelings began dating another stallion behind my back, she didn't know I had seen her and Dad said she would when we hung out one time, I'm not really surprised that whorse, can do what she wants but when she finds out that no other will treat her right, she'll wish she had just loved me but what do I know she said I was a one of a kind gentledragon, and what does she do?, goes right behind my back dating another stallion I hope she's happy cause, I'm not." Twilight was proud of her son for growing up. so as fast as each of their respective appendige's, could take them they made it to the tracks and set out toward the empire along the crags of the mountain they were treading, they talked about thirst future together and then Twilight said something Sombra, was more than happy to explain *Twilight*,"so Sombra, what happened when we first met why were you like that."

*Sombra*,"ah yes well a thousand years in ice while you're aware can have that effect on ponies you see, Celestia lied to you when she said she had imrpisoned me, unaware she left me and my people high and dry even though I told her what the umbrum, were like they were a bunch of unicorn farmers and could grow all sorts of things and they primarily built the empire they lived side by side with the crystal ponies it was the only way to stay alive with the heart I don't know where we came from and neither did the umbrum, we feed on joy and love like changelings but different you see when an umbrum, falls in love, their hearts start beating for the first time allowing them to become normal ponies unaffected by the heart now the queen of the empire knew of this but decided to be rid of a species that could be "dangerous"by luring all the umbrum, down below the castle and then trapping them what she didn't know was my mother hid me right before then, she had sensed something fishy going on so she hid me and I never saw her again I was young at the time and ever since I met the first pony to make my heart beat all I wanted was to attend the crystal fair with her, but since she didn't know I had feelings for her the heart still affected me and then the queen showed her what kind of pony I am then in my rage I somehow overpowered an alicorn turned her to stone hid the queen and denounced my friendship with radiant hope and then ruled the kingdom then got trapped in the ice...
and then I met you of course my mind was not with me that day as I could not see you, all I could see was my kingdom but that's all behind me, it's you I want now,to make a life with you, to start a family with you, to start a Nation with you, to make a place where everything on this this planet can be themselves and not have to worry what they are and how they look or where they come from I want it all with you my special star."

Nuzzling deep into her mane that smelled of lavender she wrapped her hooves around him, nuzzling back as she kept nuzzling she moved her hoof through his mane she felt how rough it was not to say he didn't take care of it but it was wild and untamed like a lions mane, he was... perfect... yes he was the one for her as they kept trotting along they came bye canterlot station, but they kept going as not to disturb anypony, as they stealthly  trotted by they kept going towards the empire as the weather started to turn Twilight reached into her luggage and wrapped a scarf around herself but Sombra, was just fine as they trecked, on they passed by the half way point between canterlot, and the empire they saw a hotel and decided to rent a room they rented. Under night sky's name Twilight didn't say hers for no one recongnized, her without her friends as the two ponies and one Drake got inside their room spike took the other Bed the two lovers snuggled together for warmth, Sombra spoke *Sombra*," I love you my sparkling star and no one will keep us away from each other. just know you can visit your friends whenever you like when we make our kingdom Twily do you know you are the most beautiful mare I've set my old eyes on even more than the first one to do so and I am truly sorry for how I treated you when we first met. just know you are everything to me."*Twilight*,"I know Sombra I love you too more than you'll ever know my king of shadows."they kissed each other with such passion as they cuddled spike spoke  *Spike*," ... should I...leave the room?".

Both ponies nodded and spike got up and left the room as the door shut they resumed cuddling and kissing...


the air became heated as Twilight's marehood heated up from the attention and Sombra was also feeling the effects of arousel his member beginning to harden. Twilight shyly glanced at her stallion.

*Twilight*,"p-please be gentle...I'm still a virgin".

She admitted flushing the deepest shade of red, and Sombra nodded.

Lining himself up his stallionhood barely making it in her folds when Twilight shuddered in anticipation and worry for what was to come, he thrust forward slowly getting deeper into the mare under him when he came to a blockade, Her hymen.

*Sombra*," are you ready my star?, Because it will hurt".

He looked at her with sympathetic eyes and awaited his answer.

Twilight steeled herself and nodded affirmation, and he thrusted hard, busting through that last barrier, as tears pricked the corners of her eyes she still refused to stop, all the while a soft whine that was tapering off into a moan she tried to acclimate herself to such a large object filling her, after a minute she nodded to continue.

So Sombra began to pull out till only the head was left in, then he shoved himself all the way back in, his tip hit her cervix, and there was still an inch or six still not engulfed in her depths, soft wet and tight was what Sombra was feeling and it was HEAVENLY!.

Twilight on the other hoof never felt so filled, as her tounge lolled out, and a lustful moan permeated the air.

*Twilight*," OH, SOMBRA~ go faster".

His mare ordered and her stallion abliged by increasing his pace, wet sounds and the smacking of hips to hips sounded out Into the night, as Sombra gained a mishceviose grin, he pulled back fast then slammed forward!.

He was rewarded with Twilight's high pitched squeal of approval as she moaned even harder.

*Twilight*," S-Sombra I'm getting close... Please don't stop!".

Sombra pounded her harder, as Twilight's breathing began to increase
As the rutting wore on Sombra himself felt his end near as Twilight was breathing deeply as she became much more vocal as her end neared.

*Twilight*," SOMBRA FINISH WITH  ME!".

*Sombra*," as you wish (grunt) my queen".

*Twilight* ," SOMBRA!~".

*Somrba*," (Roar) TWILIGHT!~".

with one last thrust they both came, him unloading his enormous load into her womb, and her splashing her juices onto the sheets.

*Sombra*," do you want me to pull out?".

*Twilight*,"no....leave it in~. Sombra, I love you".

*Sombra*," I love you too my star, sleep tight".


After their fun,They snuggled as they fell asleep in the others embrace, as a smile Graced her sleeping figure. While a content look was plastered on sombra's face as they drifted off...Tbc

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