Canterlot bound

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When morning. Dawned Luna was figuring out what to do with her sister, The umbrum, had sealed her horn, wings and hooves so she couldn't escape,Then Sombra spoke

*Sombra*," why don't you hold a gathering to tell eqaustria of her miss deeds, So the umbrum, and I can finally walk free, And wherever we choose". Luna thought for a moment, And agreed, It was time to show the truth, And to prove Sombra innocent, And Celestia just sat defeated, And quiet unable to do anything but, Regret. The other mares agreed and Twilight wanted to introduce Sombra to her parents, And the other mares would like to have him visit ponyville for awhile, Sombra agreed and they all started to pack, The umbrum, too wanted to see Celestia get what she deserves, Especially Nova and moon, But first, A wrong had to be righted, They trotted towards the empire, And all umbrum's began to shed tears of sadness at what they were robbed of, And they all entered the warmth of the shield, Cadence decided to get everypony's attention.

*Cadence* ," Everypony! Listen". And every pony turned to address their princess,, And when they all saw who was right beside her at first some pony's screamed.

*Cadence*,"Everypony calm down!, Sombra isn't evil". This was a statement that made all the pony's curious, What does their princess mean, 'the shadow king' isn't evil?.

*Cadence*," citizens of the empire, Do you know that it was sombra's people, who built this city?... And that, (points hoof at Celestia) SHE!, Took that from them by imprisoning them and destroying my mother". This was a revalation, When the crystal pony's set their sights on Celestia, She wilted, And that was proof she can't deny, Even as they look to Luna with disbelief, She nodded with, A cold stare to her sister,, The crystal pony's were outraged, At the thought that the sun princess could do this, And them they bowed. They bowed to Sombra in forgiveness...

*Sombra*," no...all of you, Rise. I am no longer your king...and I forgive you all.. some of you treated me ill in the past... But that's just's in the please...stand...and never forget who is really to blame". All crystal pony's stood and then a loud cheer was thrown into the air.


The umbrum all started to cry tears of joy, For they had been absolved of guilt, And the true culprit would face justice, After an hour in the empire, All the crystal pony's met each umbrum, Then Sombra, And they were absolutely shocked to know the true him, He was Noble,kind, intelligent and humble, If it were up to the crystal pony's they all said they would have loved Sombra as their ruler,, And Cadence agreed, But thanks to Celestia's manipulation of the truth, It was never to be... As they cought the next crystal express, Luna and Celestia were alone in their train car...

*Luna*,"Why....just why did you do betrayed twilight,Sombra,the umbrum, killed our cousin Celestia, You belittled twilight, and refused to let me be shuned, unsure of myself...ALONE! (Tears stream down her face) WHY CELESTIA,, WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME!, Sombra is really telling me the truth...that you basked in glory, While I was left are no sister of mine...(sobbing) I HATE YOU!", And with that the luner princess ran, She ran because she couldn't be near the one she trusted most... only to be stabbed in the back, Everypony present all felt sadness for the lunar princess and Sombra got up and cantered after her.

*Sombra*,"Luna...are you alright...speak to me, You know I'll listen". Luna looked to the Colt she thought so long ago had abandon her...and was her coltfriend to be, once apon a time.

*Luna*,"Oh! Sombra!". The night princess wailed bursting into tears and hiccups, As she snuggled all she had into him, And Sombra let her cry her hurt and lonelyNess. Twilight came by and saw and heard what was happening to Luna, So she approached and wrapped her hooves around her husband and the princess, The three just hugged it out.

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