Two years later

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The sounds of hooves running through a crystal castled echoed as a small filly and Colt screamed in joy, it was their second birthday.

*Black star* ," TRY AND CATCH US DAD".

the Colt ran away from his father giggling.

*Midnight aroura* ," hehehehehe daddy, come get us!".

The filly along with her brother ran.

*Sombra* ," I'm going to get you!".

He roared in play fullness, as the two foals screamed in joy, and ran faster.

Meanwhile Twilight, a much better cook, was in the kitchen, laughing at the sound  of her son and daughter playing with their father sounded throughout the crystal castle, how had this happened?. She got the best husband, kids and kingdom, and it's all thanks to her husband. She smiled as she rubbed her bulging stomach, another little one on the way, as she sighed in content.

The other family members gathered around and ate their dinner, and their parents let them play outside.

*Sombra*," you look happy my star".

*Twilight*," I AM!, COME HERE!".

she squeled and cried happily as she captured her stallions lips in a deep kiss, and nuzzled him.

Sombra returning the gesture.

They were there, in the others arms, finally. No more loneliness, no more strife, just two lovers, alone, and happy...

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